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Avatar Gallery 0.1b

No permission to download
Hello nice Addon, but i become this error message -

and a question, where can delete the upload avatar.
Hello nice Addon, but i become this error message -

and a question, where can delete the upload avatar.

That's your hosts fault for being mis-configured. Either have them configure the 'tmp' directory for php or have them make the global tmp directory writable.
Hi Naatan, do you have any idea about this:

copy() [function.copy]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/5071ecc455cda) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. copy() in AvatarGallery/ControllerPublic/Account.php at line 44
  3. AvatarGallery_ControllerPublic_Account->actionAvatarUpload() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/ at line 13
I'll be grateful for any help, thanks.
I tryed to chane open_basedir to /tmp and it didn't work out :(

it was ; open_basedir = and I changed it on open_basedir =/tmp
ok, I found the answer :coffee: in the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

at the very end add this

<Location />
php_admin_value open_basedir none

and also do what I wrote above with the opeb_basedir (actually I put open_basedir =var/www/tmp )

so now all is working for me, Naatan thanks again for the amazing module, it's great, I like it a lot :)

and check that the rights for the tmp folder would be 777

and of course you will need to restart your server
I tryed to chane open_basedir to /tmp and it didn't work out :(

it was ; open_basedir = and I changed it on open_basedir =/tmp

Best to check with your host what your users temp directory is and validate if the open_basedir directive is configured correctly. This is an issue with your server setup and not with the addon, as such there is little I can do for you.

ok, I found the answer :coffee: in the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

at the very end add this

<Location />
php_admin_value open_basedir none

and also do what I wrote above with the opeb_basedir (actually I put open_basedir =var/www/tmp )

so now all is working for me, Naatan thanks again for the amazing module, it's great, I like it a lot :)

and check that the rights for the tmp folder would be 777

Ah you just responded at the same time as me :) Glad you worked it out
Is this no longer downloadable? I tried to download it and it says the archive is corrupt...

Usually means the download didn't finish, even though it's a small file size :).

I would try just downloading again, or try a new browser but just tested and working fine.
I know this hasn't been updated in a long time, but if you were going to add anything to it, might I suggest being able to select one of the gallery avatars for a user in the Admin panel.
I have a problem i installed the avatar plug in twice to make sure i can solve the issue but i really can't see an avatar gallery everytime i choose one. DO i need to upload an avatar folder where it will be uploaded to /data/avatar directory aside from the library folders or what? help.

I have a problem i installed the avatar plug in twice to make sure i can solve the issue but i really can't see an avatar gallery everytime i choose one. DO i need to upload an avatar folder where it will be uploaded to /data/avatar directory aside from the library folders or what? help.

Yes, you need to have images in the folder in order for them to show up below. This is just a plugin to add the option for an avatar gallery.

@Nataan where can one find the avatars you have in the OP pictures:

I am trying to find this, as that's why I downloaded the addon actually XD If you can give me a link that would be amazing. thank you very much.
Hi Guys,

Any ideal with the error as attached file?

The image is not displayed, just like a broken link. However, when i "Pick" to use it, it is still displayed as normal.

I also set permission "777" for the avatars folder and also for all the attached images.

I'm using Xenforo v1.1.3

Anyone can help me on this?

Thank you! (n)


  • Avatar_Error.webp
    25.3 KB · Views: 17
Hi Guys,

I found this error when i use File Health Check tool:

Potential Problems
File does not contain expected contents.

Anyone know what is this error mean?



  • Capture.webp
    7.2 KB · Views: 14
If this addon is still being worked on I found a bug of sorts. When defining the avatar storage directory as a http link I get an error in nginx. I store all my images on my own CDN domain.

Setting the dir as a dir off the XF install works fine.

Any pointers?
Yes, you need to have images in the folder in order for them to show up below. This is just a plugin to add the option for an avatar gallery.

@Nataan where can one find the avatars you have in the OP pictures:

I am trying to find this, as that's why I downloaded the addon actually XD If you can give me a link that would be amazing. thank you very much.
Do we put the avatars in the S/M/or L folder? Or just the Avatars folder itself?
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