August Update discussion thread.

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I certainly am not a hater.
I look forward to renewing my 4 licenses and my 5th when it comes due. And hopefully there will be some addons that come online that I can use.
For now my forums are in limbo I am not willing to invest any time or money into them until I know what the future holds.
Right now it's wait and see. Until there is an outcome to the law suit, it really is futile to speculate.
There are only 3 people that know what is going on and they aren't going to say anything publicly.
I wasn't referring to you or anyone specifically.

Hopefully there will be more answers in the coming days.
Should be soon. Already got answers. Just awaiting drafting and posting.
Will the answers be posted in announcements or in this thread or some other place?

This thread seems to be the most rapidly growing thread in the history of community boards. :notworthy:
Don't expect any until January. It's pretty clear that they can't comment.
Personal issues were cited as reasons as well.
Additionally, as many of you know there are also personal issues to deal with. As you can appreciate with any personal issue, it can be a complex and sensitive situation, and while your thoughts and messages of support are welcomed, we also request you to be mindful of this and ask for your understanding.

It appears this personal issue is quite big and is having a lasting impact. No point in speculating what it is but it's more probable this is the reason nothing is being said.
I dont care if i need to run my forums on this version of Xenforo for the next 5 years. It beats the crap out of any tripe vbulletin has served up since VB4. I'll gladly wait for as long as it takes. Thanks Xenforo guys!
Mind linking the forum that runs oh-so-much better on XF than it ever did on vB?
Lots of calls for more community interaction by KAM. The problem is that such interaction is meaningless without forward progress to back it up. So why would KAM bother to say anything at all if there is no progress to report? Ashley's announcement was notably lacking in the way of forward progress and look at the response.

There is an alternative however. They could fill the gap with future promises. I have seen other companies do this and it works really well in the short term as long as you deliver on your promises, otherwise you pay for it later. I personally am glad that XenForo doesn't do this.

Will the answers be posted in announcements or in this thread or some other place?

I am guessing in the announcement forum.
Lots of calls for more community interaction by KAM. The problem is that such interaction is meaningless without forward progress to back it up. So why would KAM bother to say anything at all if there is no progress to report?
I don't know what it would do for others, but for me an actual post from KAM would indicate that they didn't walk away from XF yet. I don't understand the need to go through intermediaries at all. Why not just come here and post that the project is on hold pending the outcome of the lawsuit(s) but that they remain committed to the project until such time that the law requires them to give up should it come to that. For me personally that would go much much much further than posts by anyone other than KAM because let's just be honest here, XF lives and dies with the level of commitment KAM have to the project. If they are out then the software is dead.
I don't know what it would do for others, but for me an actual post from KAM would indicate that they didn't walk away from XF yet.

Oh that is something entirely different. You are wanting to disprove rumors. I suggest not subscribing to the rumors in the first place. I believe some of the more persistent rumors will soon be knocked down, but I fully expect new rumors to take their place. People are... imaginative.
Well if there was ever a way to slyly bash your competitors, while at the same time trying to take their customers then this has to be it:
Quips clearly aimed at XenForo's direction.

Also kind of a **** move. I wonder how they'd feel if a multi-million dollar company went after them back in 2002 when they started up in very much the same manner that XenForo did. That's capitalism for you though.

As far as this thread is concerned, meh, more of the same. Some interesting new rumors though. Seriously, keep up the imaginative work. It hurts the software and community that you purport to love, but as long as I can read an entertaining thread every now and then I guess it's worth it!
Maybe we can ask Anonymous for help? I always hear about them and how they are good attacking companies. Maybe ask Anonymous for some assistance?
I hope that xenforo will continue to evolve and that Jake continues to be mod. He is great
Legally, both parties are obliged to disclose the information publicly. By sealed, you mean something arranged directly between both parties in private? Ya, we could never know for sure. But that would imply XenForo Ltd. and IB are negotiating an arrangement which will obviously be the end of XenForo.

A judge can ordered something sealed too :)
The first seems most plausible since I assume they would have announced the second so everyone would be aware. Also the first + probably just going through a tough time. Just not capable of spending time in the community, concentrating on family/private life while waiting for the trial.
Two schools of thoughts:
  • What if there's nothing to say?
  • What if legal counsel recommendeds they stay off any "public" communication means until the case is over?

which I bet no.2 is the reason personally.

IF VB don't know anything what's planned, they can't bring it up against them.
This thread has drifted. I think all that will be asked, has been asked. I would suggest the moderators set a very short deadline to get questions in before shutting them off, then split the OT stuff in this thread off into it's own maybe in the OT forum.
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