Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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Did you actually read my post?

Mike's sudden appearance does not change the fact the whole dev team went MIA for several months. They can't just come back and pretend nothing happened. there is a loss of confidence issue that should be addressed.
Where's the "loss of confidence issue"?

The devs have said they're aiming to release 1.2 in this quarter and the bugs (which are fairly minimal to say the least) are currently being fixed. All my tickets have been answered within a few hours and I've never had any issues with software.

The "loss of confidence" must be self created because so far, XenForo have done everything that they're required to do for me at least.
Crap. Grown adults want to know what is going on. Many of the grown adults, acting like kids, run a business using XenForo. They want to know. Silence is deafening.
I understand where you're coming from but the fact is we've been told progress hasn't stopped from the devs already so it's rather a sign of beating a dead horse when people ask the same thing over and over again.

You're not forced to stay with xenforo, nor were you forced to sign up with them either.

I'd rather the devs keep working on what they need to, rather then answering the same questions over and over again.

If xenforo dies, it's not the end of the world, I'll move on.
I've gotten my money out of the product so far, there are converters if I choose to move.

This thread is quickly turning into a copy of this thread.
neither of them are helping the situation in the least..
I work in telecoms and hosting, and if i said to a customer "we have some bugfixes and new enhancements on your product, but we cant release them until the next version comes out, and we don't know when that would be as the developers wont tell us - we think it'll be the end of june - Oh New features?? We dont know yet as they wont tell us " i'd be sacked on the spot.

Wake up and smell the coffee guys - PLEASE dont break this empire you have built through lack of attention, development and information. It's difficult to build a following, but easy to break it.
What? I have worked for 10 years for Direct Line Insurance (chief Tech analyst) and then a further 10 years working for Game (same role). These are Enterprise companies making billions, not some hobby website, we cannot and could not make such an excuse. Sigh.
I understand where you're coming from but the fact is we've been told progress hasn't stopped from the devs already so it's rather a sign of beating a dead horse when people ask the same thing over and over again.

Believe everything we read, and everything we are told do we? I just won the lottery...

Oh dear......
I understand where you're coming from but the fact is we've been told progress hasn't stopped from the devs already so it's rather a sign of beating a dead horse when people ask the same thing over and over again.

You're not forced to stay with xenforo, nor were you forced to sign up with them either.

I'd rather the devs keep working on what they need to, rather then answering the same questions over and over again.

If xenforo dies, it's not the end of the world, I'll move on.
I've gotten my money out of the product so far, there are converters if I choose to move.

This thread is quickly turning into a copy of this thread.
neither of them are helping the situation in the least..
Ok, take an actors pill. You make a company, create some software, sell hundreds of thousands of copies, for a price. For the next 6 months you speak to the customers, then you stop for 3 months .....
Believe everything we read, and everything we are told do we? I just won the lottery...

Oh dear......
So what are you complaining about then?

You say you want a response from the devs but your not going to believe anything they say?

Oh dear indeed.
I really don't need to go through that again, you know perfectly well what I am referring to and your replies are starting to come across as deliberately provocative. I'm not going to rise to your extremely obvious bait. :rolleyes:
Why? You do it all the time
I'd rather the devs keep working on what they need to, rather then answering the same questions over and over again.
Forgot this bit, so what the hell does Ashley do? Everyone puts the pressure on Kier and Mike, why cannot Ashley do something?
I really don't need to go through that again, you know perfectly well what I am referring to and your replies are starting to come across as deliberately provocative. I'm not going to rise to your extremely obvious bait. :rolleyes:
No I don't actually and how is that even "bait"? o_O

You can't even respond to questions so why should I take you seriously.
I have a valid XenForo licence which entitles me to air my views here.

You stated you decided not to use the software. Abandoned in place due the behavioral issues of the developers. Moved on. But you haven't moved on and you keep posting the same Goodby Cruel World message on the XenForo forums. Certainly your privilege to do so but that was what iTuN3r was referring to and what you said you didn't understand. Just try'in esplain it to yoo Lucy.

Enough said.
Thats just it, they have responded. Its just apparent that it wasn't up to some peoples expectations.
They have? Ok, let us take it deeper. "XF is being developed". Forget about the lack of response from the directors who used to post every week. They have stopped. Noone will tell you why. Not even the lawyers. Regardless of why they stopped, the manner in which they did it was and is disrespectful to the people that paid money to help them in their cause against IB. One liners DO NOT explain things. Take BMW, their car recalls, have they ever said "Return car, broken brakes". No, they explained the entire issue. Please do not go down this path. I have worked for 20 years in Enterprise corporates, using ITIL, (ie process). XF Ltd fail on so many occasions. If I was a business I would be looking at alternatives. XF is not a business I would want to have a relationship with.
So what are you complaining about then?

You say you want a response from the devs but your not going to believe anything they say?

Oh dear indeed.

No not at all - i want something tangable... Ive already been "duped" by the "it's ok I'm here" and then a month of silence....
I feel no disrespect (ZERO) I do not recall constant coddling being in the license agreement.. As forum admins we should all know that the more you say the more of a corner you back your self in to.. I for one am happy with the separate posts/threads by all three owners, saying development is ongoing.. People keep saying the dev's have been silent for far to long.. Thats simply not true.. Personally im glad i dont have to fear opening a thread and seeing Kiers bare feet anymore.

People like Mark are doing more damage to the product then KAM not posting on this forum. Hes a Virus and he knows it. and probably enjoys creating the discontent he is spewing.

Can you imagine what would happen if Xenforo has some one that would act as PR and Marketing so that customers would be informed and with once a week you will have much impact.

As for the statement "Development is ongoing" that's the same as saying i am still breathing, they would not say development is halted and not going to explain it. So the statement in it self is meaning less also if people looked at the bug issues there still being solved so that would mean they are still coding.

For all means the developers can code 24hours a day (hope they don't because they have family) but with no vision you still have nothing or not explaining what that vision is on long term lets say 6 to 12 months from now you can fix issues but if you do not expand it will collapse in. Internet is not the same as 2 years ago development is faster and new stuff is made daily if you can't keep up you lose people to companies that can and put out better stuff (many came here because Xenforo was better then the rest). People should not be concerned what's to come in one or two months but even longer time frame and make sure they help development of the product. Because this company is young the customers can guide it and help out.

Mark and doing damage well he is some one that wants the same as many but sometimes he hammers to much on the same track, but his hearth is in the right place and means well. KAM not posting is more damaging then you can imagine see it as a ship that has no captain on deck that tells everyone whats going on or even talk to the people on the ship. In the end the people on the ship think they are left alone and the ship is without steering.
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