Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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I think iTuN3r was referring to the repetitive nature of what sounds like a sour grapes response. You think XenForo is the best of breed. You want to use it. The sudden lack of communication by developers changed your mind and you moved on....except you haven't and those grapes look like the best grapes you've ever seen and maybe if I wait I'll be able to get them.

As someone who's shopping, your underlying message, that XenForo is the best you've seen and you wish you could use it is plus for XenForo for me.

The hard decision would be if vB5 is XenForo...then what to do? If 1.2 had a CMS app like XenPorta and XenForo developers would continue to be force working to XenForo 2.0, I'd go with it. The fact that IPB comes with a CMS is why it is between them and XenForo for me. As a member of forums using XenForo, I just like how XenForo works. Your view, that it's the best and you wish you could use it, reinforces that.
I think you are confused, it is not sour grapes, just the lack of communication from a small company, whose purchases have made a significant impact. The smaller the company the closer you are to to your customers.
Then i only expect a post like for example this "Because of personal issues we are not able to provide the same quality of support on the forum as you are used to, we hope that you have understanding for this. When everything is going smoother we will continue on the same level as before.". That's around the same we see here posted on stores if something happened with staff of a normal store, nothing more or less their family affairs are their own.

99% of the owners of a company knows that they need to keep pushing them self's even if at home its not 100% because you usually do not have the same benefit as normal employees with sick leave etc etc. So for them its even harder then lets say for me when i get sick i can stay at home and get well asap while owners of a company do not have that luxury.
Totally agree, can you show me the post that states this? I cannot find it.
If it does get locked down it just goes to show a lack of respect to paying/paid customers who are asking legitimate questions about their investment in a product and a Company.
ya... no it wont

It'll be because grown adults like to sometimes act like kids ;)
Apart from both developers going completely silent for months, obviously. The reappearance of Mike, whilst welcome, doesn't change any of that.

I agree with purchasing based on what it does NOW, I have said so many times. But that doesn't alter the fact that future development - or lack of - is a major concern when purchasing software. As has been outlined by several site owners now. It is a genuine IT concern. Who will develop the feature set? Who will fix security issues? Who will fix bugs? For commercial ventures this sort of thing is VERY important, no matter how many people who don't understand software development insist it isn't.
So Mike must be fixing bugs for a laugh then?

Seriously, this is getting beyond ridiculous now.
I think you are confused, it is not sour grapes, just the lack of communication from a small company

If one is not using XenForo and not shopping for forum software, why are they spending time here? If one has looked at Xenforo and moved on, as the person said they had, why do they hang around saying how it is the best product (grape) but developers behavior scared them off (sour)? Apparently it didn't scare them enough and the forum software is too good to give up on.
If one is not using XenForo and not shopping for forum software, why are the spending time here? If one has looked at Xenforo and moved on, as the person said they had, why do they hang around saying how it is the best product (grape) but developers behavior scared them off (sour)? Apparently it didn't scare them enough and the forum software is too good to give up on.
I have 4 XF licences. I am annoyed at the lack of an official response over the last few months. Your point is?
I have 4 XF licences. I am annoyed at the lack of an official response over the last few months. Your point is?

Why would someone who said they have moved on from XenForo hang around the XenForo forums saying how it is the best software ever but they can't use it because developers scare them?
I feel no disrespect (ZERO) I do not recall constant coddling being in the license agreement.. As forum admins we should all know that the more you say the more of a corner you back your self in to.. I for one am happy with the separate posts/threads by all three owners, saying development is ongoing.. People keep saying the dev's have been silent for far to long.. Thats simply not true.. Personally im glad i dont have to fear opening a thread and seeing Kiers bare feet anymore.

People like Mark are doing more damage to the product then KAM not posting on this forum. Hes a Virus and he knows it. and probably enjoys creating the discontent he is spewing.
I have a vested interest in the software - i paid for it, i have invested time and money into it. My living doesnt rest on it as it's only a hobby site, however I did (at the time) what i believed in and moved to xF.

So - I'm over a year in, and awaiting _something_ to happen. I personally have no interest in devs lives (dont get me wrong i do care, however as long as development continues), however have been told time and time again that something is happening in the background, however other than bug fixes there is no evidence. My licence has expired, however i'm waiting for the update that so far hasnt been forthcoming.

I know of AT LEAST two others here as well as myself that are now exploring other options. Why cant people "higher up" get this??? Continual moaning threads about stuff like this just get ignored, and then closed, time and time again.

Xenforo - you are turning your customer support into why i left vB. Congratulations.
Why would someone who said they have moved on from XenForo hang around the XenForo forums saying how it is the best software ever but they can't use it because developers scare them?
I haven't moved on. I still support the software, just not the Company that makes it.
I have a vested interest in the software - i paid for it, i have invested time and money into it. My living doesnt rest on it as it's only a hobby site, however I did (at the time) what i believed in and moved to xF.

So - I'm over a year in, and awaiting _something_ to happen. I personally have no interest in devs lives (dont get me wrong i do care, however as long as development continues), however have been told time and time again that something is happening in the background, however other than bug fixes there is no evidence. My licence has expired, however i'm waiting for the update that so far hasnt been forthcoming.

I know of AT LEAST two others here as well as myself that are now exploring other options. Why cant people "higher up" get this??? Continual moaning threads about stuff like this just get ignored, and then closed, time and time again.

Xenforo - you are turning your customer support into why i left vB. Congratulations.
Agreed. Kier, Mike may be the best PHP coders in the world, if they fail to deliver, thru communication, then they are worthless and I would never employ them. When you work in Enterprise level companies you adhere to a level. XenForo Ltd does not meet that.
Not sour grapes. I'm a paying customer same as any other.

To the extent that I had to abandon plans to switch. Even if it all starts again now

You stated you decided not to use the software. Abandoned in place due the behavioral issues of the developers. Moved on. But you haven't moved on and you keep posting the same Goodby Cruel World message on the XenForo forums. Certainly your privilege to do so but that was what iTuN3r was referring to and what you said you didn't understand. Just try'in esplain it to yoo Lucy.
Agreed. Kier, Mike may be the best PHP coders in the world, if they fail to deliver, thru communication, then they are worthless and I would never employ them. When you work in Enterprise level companies you adhere to a level. XenForo Ltd does not meet that.

I work in telecoms and hosting, and if i said to a customer "we have some bugfixes and new enhancements on your product, but we cant release them until the next version comes out, and we don't know when that would be as the developers wont tell us - we think it'll be the end of june - Oh New features?? We dont know yet as they wont tell us " i'd be sacked on the spot. So much for "open and honest communication"!!!

Wake up and smell the coffee guys - PLEASE dont break this empire you have built through lack of attention, development and information. It's difficult to build a following, but easy to break it.
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