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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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I've had a look over the thread but can't find anything. Is it possible to force a thread to be created. At the moment it seems like its a optional extra, but I want everyone to have to pick a forum where it will be created.

I made a template edit so a thread is always created. Will post it up in a bit.
In template EWRatendo_EventsCreate - Add the bold to the following lines:

<label for="ctrl_rsvp"><input type="checkbox" name="event_rsvp" value="1" id="ctrl_rsvp" {xen:if '{$input.event_rsvp}', 'checked'} CHECKED/> {xen:phrase enable_rsvp_system}</label>
<p class="hint">{xen:phrase enable_rsvp_system_hint}</p>

<xen:if hascontent="true">
<li><label for="ctrl_thread"><input type="checkbox" name="create_thread" value="1" class="Disabler" id="ctrl_thread" {xen:if '{$input.create_thread}', 'checked'} CHECKED/> {xen:phrase create_event_thread}:</label>

Top one ensures the "Add RSVP" is always checked
Second one ensures a thread is automatically created (Unless members unticks it)
Hopefully someone else can take over this mod and make it into a full calendar system. Xenforo desperately needs this.
Well said.

I think the mod works great as it does now, however there is just a bit of tweaking needed here and there such as -

Set default location area for map
Allow minutes as well as hours - Event starts at 0730
Automatically create thread in selected forum without the member having to choose the option

Look forward to seeing whats changed for the next version :)

Minutes as well as hours:

XenAtendo Users Guide & FAQ

Change default location:

XenAtendo Users Guide & FAQ

Renada :)
I did suggest paying for extra work, but when he indicated the amount of work, and therefore time, involved it scared me off as clearly it was beyond the tiny budget I had for my little site.

If you don't mind, approximately how much time/$ are we talking about here?
Seems like a group of people could get together and pool their funds to make this happen, eh? ;)
If you don't mind, approximately how much time/$ are we talking about here?
Seems like a group of people could get together and pool their funds to make this happen, eh? ;)

No idea, Jaxel just mentioned it would take loads of time, as the mod was never developed/designed to work in the way to meet my additional requests, as I could only justify about £100 tops I realised it was a no goer, so we never went into detail over price.
Hmm, I don't have it, just redownloaded the mod and looked in the xml file and can't find that template in the XML code.
Ah right, in the most recent version 1.4.3 yes that template isn't there any more. Apologies, I'm running the earlier version 1.4.2 (y)
Hmm, I don't have it, just redownloaded the mod and looked in the xml file and can't find that template in the XML code.

I stuck with 1.4.2 because of the options for end dates - starts here and if that template is missing for changing the minutes I'm glad I did.

Do you have 1.4.2 that you can revert to?

Renada :)
I stuck with 1.4.2 because of the options for end dates - starts here and if that template is missing for changing the minutes I'm glad I did.

Do you have 1.4.2 that you can revert to?

Renada :)

Hmm, no I don't. I haven't opened my site yet, so downgrading to that version would be ok. Any idea where I can get it?
I really really like this Event MOD I have it installed at a new site and look forward to using it for my first vb site when it is possible to port the 4.15 over and I have an Arcade. However if there is a version of this that will work on vb 4.17 I would gladly pay for it. if anyone can point me in that direction I would be Grateful.
I like it fine as an Event Mod it would be nice to import holidays and maybe birthdays into it but Primarily I want to use it to publish local goings on around town and let it create a thread just like its doing I'm not sure what further calender functions are being talked about being lost and I am not sure if it effects me can you elaborate

An alternative graphic time line view would be really cool if it inspires anyone ;)
I like it fine as an Event Mod it would be nice to import holidays and maybe birthdays into it but Primarily I want to use it to publish local goings on around town and let it create a thread just like its doing I'm not sure what further calender functions are being talked about being lost and I am not sure if it effects me can you elaborate

An alternative graphic time line view would be really cool if it inspires anyone ;)

It will already display birthdays if your members have put them in their profiles.

Renada :)
Atendo is not allowing me to create an event that is shorter than six hours in duration. Hitting the minus button, the number will not go lower than 6. Typing it in manually doesn't work either, as soon as the field loses focus it reverts back to 6.

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