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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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I've been looking for an events calendar for Xen and have come across this modification. I do however, have a couple of questions please before I install it.

Is it possible to "hide" this area http://8wayrun.com/forums/tournament-announcements.47/ so that it forces people to view via the events calendar rather than the forum?
Is an upgrade for 1.1 required or will it be functional without amendments? If an upgrade is required do you have time-line?

Is there the ability to export events or a group of events to ical and outlook?

Is it possible to have events running at 30 mins ie a 7:30 start rather than restricted to hourly?

I spotted an FAQ that mentioned how to change to 30 mins start times, so I downloaded the latest file only to see that things have changed a bit since the FAQ was made.
The first four events I need to add to my calendar all start at half past. Please could someone advise me what templates/files to edit and how?
I spotted an FAQ that mentioned how to change to 30 mins start times, so I downloaded the latest file only to see that things have changed a bit since the FAQ was made.
The first four events I need to add to my calendar all start at half past. Please could someone advise me what templates/files to edit and how?

ACP > Appearance > Search Templates

In the large text box search for

var rangeFormat = "%b %e, %Y %h:00 %p";

and replace with

var rangeFormat = "%b %e, %Y %h:%i %p";
This is a fantastic add-on until you want to add an event that starts at say 09:30 and finishes at 17:30....it doesn't appear to understand 30 minute intervals. CRAZY!!!

Can this be fixed?
That blue area is controlled by this color from the palette:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Color Palette -> @secondaryLightest
You can edit the CSS to set specific colors instead of changing the palette:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EWRatendo.css

Search for "secondaryLighter" and you will find the definition which you can replace with a hard-coded color if you wish.
Did this to my Extra.css and worked a little bit.. Still have the same issue above..

.monthBlock .nowWeek {
background-color: #000000 !important;
.monthBlock .nowToday {
background-color: #000000 !important;
Not sure what to do with this..

.monthBlock .nowToday { @property "subHeading.background";
background: @secondaryLighter url('styles/halloween/xenforo/gradients/category.png') repeat-x top;
@property "/subHeading.background";; }
Is it possible to add some variants to the recurrance settings? All of the events I need to post recur monthly, but on the first or third saturday of the month so I can't recur them using the current settings.
Hey guys,

Anyone knows how to remove the avatar from the events page? I just upgraded from 1.40 to 1.43.

I used the following in my extra.css but after updating it doesnt seem to work anymore.

.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li { width: 100%; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .avatar { display: none; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .eventInfo { margin-left: 0px; }
I uninstalled the add-on, it doesn't quite suit my site as well as a Calendar would.

However, it left a table on my database "EWRatendo_recurs". It seems to be empty, so presumably I should be ok to delete it? I've gone ahead and done so, but have a backup in case another current EWR add-on makes use of the table or anything.

Do you know of a better calendar mod? I am looking for something that integrates with Xenforo and allows creation of events and making them sortable by categories, etc. Just what http://www.trumba.com offers, ajax filtering, etc.

Any other Xenforo mods that do this?
Hey guys,

Anyone knows how to remove the avatar from the events page? I just upgraded from 1.40 to 1.43.

I used the following in my extra.css but after updating it doesnt seem to work anymore.

.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li { width: 100%; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .avatar { display: none; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .eventInfo { margin-left: 0px; }


Are you able to shed any light on this? thanks
Do you know of a better calendar mod? I am looking for something that integrates with Xenforo and allows creation of events and making them sortable by categories, etc. Just what http://www.trumba.com offers, ajax filtering, etc.

Any other Xenforo mods that do this?

I wish there was, but so far, no other calendaring mods have been created that I am aware of. The only one is this, and it's not really a calendar mod anyway. Jaxel wanted to create an Event mod and well, he did that. But unfortunately for those of us looking for something a little more... we're out of luck.
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