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YouTube Playlist BB Code Media Site 1.0.0

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Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
Chris Deeming submitted a new resource:

[Xen Media Gallery] YouTube Playlist BB Code Media Site - Adds a BB Code Media Site to your forum that allows the embed of YouTube videos

It was suggested by Kintaro over at http://xenmediagallery that I should support the embed of YouTube playlists.

As Xen Media Gallery supports BB Code Media sites, it was pretty straight forward to set up a new site to allow the Gallery to support this.

The end result is this:

It allows you to use a YouTube playlist URL like this:...

Read more about this resource...
Chris can you do a BB Media Site for allowing choose which time a video starts?
OIC - I was about to download and thought I'd need the gallery. Great stuff will give this a try later will def have a use for this, thanks Chris.
I've edited the thread title and hopefully made it more clear in the post that it's not exclusively for the gallery.

It's just a normal BB Code Media Site.
Please forgive my ignorance, i need some help.

I install it but I don't see any "Media" tab
Obviously my poor English don't help. What else should I Do?
What i need is to have another tab (apart form the existing, Home - Forum - Members) named media and in there to share a you tube channel or videos..

This add-on adds an additional BB Code Media site so that when you paste a YouTube playlist URL into a post, it will automatically display a YouTube video player that plays all of the videos in that playlist.
You could buy Xen Media Gallery if you want a media section. It's worth every penny, especially with the user albums and other new features coming in the 1.3 update. :)
No doubt but I can't afford it now.. I was looking for something that can support You tube only and basically offered for free..
Thanks though
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