Your Thoughts On This Design?

Feels totally different to me? Except, maybe, both ribbons are red. But different red nonetheless.

The red ribbon is what sets that country store feel. Take a look at the icons on the design and the script font.

IMHO the script font does not match the regular typeface. It's an attempt to mix the cool with the casual. Pick your identity and go with it. I like that casual feel but when you're web hosting, cutting edge is where it's at and anything else that is conveyed less than that is ignored. Anyways, I've said my piece and hope that it helped in evaluation. My opinion is just an opinion. :)
*cough* next one *cough*

You have some great ideas here. It just needs to be tightened up a bit. Perhaps a bit more consistency through the design would help. Not only with colors but shapes as well. And when selling a product such as this, above the fold is key.

Great first draft :)
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