XF 1.5 "Your request timed out. Please retry the request."


Active member
When posting something in xenforo we get this message "Your request timed out. Please retry the request." if we take longer then about 20 seconds of writing. in replys but also in PM's.

any ideas? There are no errors logged in xenforo and the site itself and teamspeak is working fine. i can refresh constantly without problems.
Is that the exact error text?

I don't believe that text is from an XF error - I believe it could be a web server error.

You may need to contact your host for support with that.
That error message most likely indicates server load issues. Contact your host and tell them about it, because this is not related to xenforo itself.
Im running a VPS do i then still contact the host or is this server related?
Its weird though, since the website itself works fine without errors. we can browse around all we want. But it only gives this error when writing a post.
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