Not a bug "Your profile" .blockLink indent probable issue


Active member
Affected version
"Account details" Page
"Your profile" .blockLink

Threre is an indent probable issue only at "Your profile" link.

As example
.blockLink::before {
	content: "|";
	margin-right: 10px;
This isn't really a bug. It's the difference between these two bits of HTML:
<a class="blockLink" href="{{ link('members', $xf.visitor) }}">{{ phrase('your_profile') }}</a>
<a class="blockLink {{ $pageSelected == 'alerts' ? 'is-selected' : '' }}" href="{{ link('account/alerts') }}">
   {{ phrase('alerts') }}
Notably, the white space around the <a>. As this is a block tag, that white space isn't significant. As you're adding inline content within it, you're making it significant. We couldn't guarantee a particular HTML approach over all blockLink tags.

You can resolve this using different approaches rather than directly adding inline content here (such as with a float, absolute positioning, etc).
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