XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

You'll have to make sure that your own user account does end up having an administrator role in WordPress. Only the main XenForo user group is taken into account for the usergroup sync.
What does this exactly mean? I have an admin account in Wordpress and one in Xenforo with the same username. Is that not supposed to work?
I get the same error when mapping uaergroups.

Another bug: when a guest tries to comment in native Wordpress comment, a blank page appears:
with this nice error message:
The comment will be there but it won't appear in mapped Xenforo thread.
Caching will NOT work with popular Wordpress caching solutions like WP Rocket, Cache Enabler or Swift Performance. Those have been around for years and are very established in the Wordpress community as opposed to this plugin.
I guess making sure your plugin is compatible with other popular 3rd party plugins would be a big leap forward.
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What does this exactly mean? I have an admin account in Wordpress and one in Xenforo with the same username. Is that not supposed to work?
I get the same error when mapping uaergroups.

Most people that ran into this issue had their "Primary User Group" in XenForo set to "Registered", then attempted to map "Registered" to "Subscriber". WordPress then fails the API call, because you can't demote yourself from the Administrator Role. In other words, you have to map the XenForo administrator role to the WordPress administator role (or not at all) and make sure your primary User Group is "Administrator".

What does this exactly mean? I have an admin account in Wordpress and one in Xenforo with the same username. Is that not supposed to work?
I get the same error when mapping uaergroups.

Another bug: when a guest tries to comment in native Wordpress comment, a blank page appears:
with this nice error message:

Anything in the server error log? This error normally indicates that you have an add-on which is ready to be upgraded but hasn't been upgraded yet.

The comment will be there but it won't appear in mapped Xenforo thread.
Caching will NOT work with popular Wordpress caching solutions like WP Rocket, Cache Enabler or Swift Performance. Those have been around for years and are very established in the Wordpress community as opposed to this plugin.
I guess making sure your plugin is compatible with other popular 3rd party plugins would be a big leap forward.

We do have quite a number of clients that run caching add-ons successfully. We're glad to help out if you want to open a ticket with us.
I updated my site to the latest version, but this banner stays in my admin cp screen. How do we get rid of it?

A new version for the XPress add-on has been released, Click here to update.
In other words, you have to map the XenForo administrator role to the WordPress administator role (or not at all) and make sure your primary User Group is "Administrator".

Oh, wow, really? I've seen people scold and hound anyone who change their primary user group to anything but registered. I never understood why it was an option if that was actually true, but I suppose this means I will have to fix up my Administrative permissions since it won't be inheriting anything from Registered anymore? Any other known side effects of doing this?
Oh, wow, really? I've seen people scold and hound anyone who change their primary user group to anything but registered. I never understood why it was an option if that was actually true, but I suppose this means I will have to fix up my Administrative permissions since it won't be inheriting anything from Registered anymore? Any other known side effects of doing this?

As long as you add "Registered" as secondary user group, the permission outcome will be exactly the same.
Permissions work very simple. It's a basic check:
  • Does any of the user groups have "yes"?
    • Yes > Does any over the user groups have "never"?
      • Yes > The result is "no"
      • No > The result is "yes"
    • No > The result is "no"
There's no order or priority of application. A "no" doesn't overwrite a "yes", so it simply doesn't matter for permission, which user group is your primary and which are your secondaries. Jake Bunce wrote more on it back in 2010.
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I don't see any implications. As long as you add "Registered" as secondary user group, the permission outcome will be exactly the same.
Permissions work very simple. It's a basic check:
  • Does any of the user groups have "yes"?
    • Yes > Does any over the user groups have "never"?
      • Yes > The result is "no"
      • No > The result is "yes"
    • No > The result is "no"
There's no order or priority of application. A "no" doesn't overwrite a "yes", so it simply doesn't matter for permission, which user group is your primary and which are your secondaries. Jake Bunce wrote more on it back in 2010.
Okay good to know. I will make my changes this way.
In other words, you have to map the XenForo administrator role to the WordPress administator role (or not at all) and make sure your primary User Group is "Administrator".

Any particular reason why you are going against XF recommendations? Basically very few if any admins setup their primary user groups as that.

We recommend that all users have the registered group as their primary user group -- including your moderators and administrators! When a new user registers, they will always be put in the registered group automatically.
Any particular reason why you are going against XF recommendations? Basically very few if any admins setup their primary user groups as that.

As I stated before, it is not possible to have multiple user groups in WordPress, or many other bridges we're looking into building. Hence we had to make a decision on how to implement this, as we can't just randomly start selecting one your many secondary user groups. Imagine the confusion if you'd randomly end up with a completely different User Group than you expected to have. The recommendation you quote works for systems that support multiple user groups just fine, and is what I would recommend in such an environment as well, but it simply doesn't work if you don't have a concept of multiple user groups.

If you have a suggestion on how to solve this better, we're open to hear it. It's a first implementation of the system, so we're considering changes, as we're aware of the flaws, but we don't have a satisfiable solution for now.
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xPress's demo home page looks absolute stunning!! Are there any widgets that can be trickled down to Forums homepage and other templates too! The forum homepage in the demo is bare minium. It would really helpful, if you guys could poplulate it bit to provide us with a fair idea.
Hey guys. We've thrown around ideas internally over the day on how we could improve things and we opted into going the extra mile and lifting the usergroup map to a criteria rule based approach. Coming with the next update, we will replace the existing usergroup map with a system similar to XenForos User Group promotion system. If you haven't already, we suggest holding back with changing your usergroup setup until then.
Guys, who have xpress on dedicated or vps, how you configure nginx for work with xen foro + wordpress at the same domain? Maybe someone have config? Can`t enable permalinks in wordpress. On my vps xenforo works on php-fpm + nginx.
Hey guys. We've thrown around ideas internally over the day on how we could improve things and we opted into going the extra mile and lifting the usergroup map to a criteria rule based approach. Coming with the next update, we will replace the existing usergroup map with a system similar to XenForos User Group promotion system. If you haven't already, we suggest holding back with changing your usergroup setup until then.
Thanks for your help @Lukas W. Just as an FYI...When I removed registered from my Admin account it resulted in forums being listed as Private. I will leave as is for now if you are updating how the permissions work.
Is it possible for users to purchase an item through Easy Digital Downloads & automatically add the user to certain usergroup in Xenforo?
Thanks for your help @Lukas W. Just as an FYI...When I removed registered from my Admin account it resulted in forums being listed as Private. I will leave as is for now if you are updating how the permissions work.
You need to include ‘registered’ as secondary Usergroup besides administrator/administration as your primary group. With this approach your admin account will also have all the basic permissions like viewing forums etc....
@ThemeHouse ,

since with XPress the people have to play in 2 systems and the new release, introducing XLink, is a major update to the previous version, you really should provide a step-by-step upgrade instruction. For both, those installing the first time and those upgrading. Even I am struggeling with the upgrade and had to do it now 3 times. That's kinda annoying, even if it's beta software.
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