XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

ok, I've checked both addon and core and it seems that i only will miss "Additional URLs to include" feature.
That feature is also available on XenForo implementation :) as an option. Either they took the suggestion, or it was there all along.

Here is what is missing from the XF 1.4 one
  • Ability to include every page of the forums
  • Ability to include every page of the threads in the sitemap
  • The ability to skip a forum, without it being private
    Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 8.52.47 PM.webp
  • Until XenForo updates the Resource Manager, the ability to include the RM resources and updates
  • The ability to run it through Cli
  • Robots.txt managed by XenForo
  • The ability to block Yandex & Baidu from robots.txt if you don't care about China & Russia

Is your add-on generating additional sitemap data in comparison to XF's sitemap?
With your add-on, I had 76K URL's, with XF's I have 62K. Just wondering what are these 14K. I basically indexed the same things: threads, profiles, forums..


Is your add-on generating additional sitemap data in comparison to XF's sitemap?
With your add-on, I had 76K URL's, with XF's I have 62K. Just wondering what are these 14K. I basically indexed the same things: threads, profiles, forums..

Well, this addon generates every single page of threads and forums, XF only does the index page
Yes it matters for me :)
I hope KAM will improve the sitemap feature to handle that.
Personally, I don't think sitemaps makes any difference in the long run. It's good for new websites or if you did 301 redirects and you would like indexing to take affect faster. Overall, Google would catch up everything you have anyway.
What does the following mean?

DOMDocument::save(sitemap/sitemap.pages.1.xml): failed to open stream: Disk quota exceeded Aug 1, 2014 - library/XfAddOns/Sitemap/Sitemap/Base.php:89

I appreciate your help!
Personally, I don't think sitemaps makes any difference in the long run. It's good for new websites or if you did 301 redirects and you would like indexing to take affect faster. Overall, Google would catch up everything you have anyway.
I know google will index sites organically but there still exists a tool to upload your sitemap in webmaster tools. Until this is gone, I'll continue to build sitemaps.
Is there anyone I can pay to come set this up for me? I can't figure it out. And how much will it cost? Thanks.
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Does the Sitemap include links to profiles of banned members?

I've got a lot of 403 errors in my Google Webmaster Tools that are all linking to the profiles of banned members - so it's normal that Google can't view them, but I don't know where the links are coming from. There are no "source links" for the errors.
No longer needed, you can uninstall it
Hi, when I uninstall or disable this mod I am no longer able to access robots.txt file, page not found error. We use nginx and no extra rules for this mod. deleting robots.php causes the error, but we have no extra rules or used that feature.
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