XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

Hey all...

Currently setting up my First Real XF Site and as it is Business related I want to ensure everything is done as best it can be done.. Now can anyone who installed this weeks / months ago provide any traffic / serp stats.. just so i can see that this is the better option for sitemap generation..

Thanks in Advanced.
Hey all...

Currently setting up my First Real XF Site and as it is Business related I want to ensure everything is done as best it can be done.. Now can anyone who installed this weeks / months ago provide any traffic / serp stats.. just so i can see that this is the better option for sitemap generation..

Thanks in Advanced.
Which other option do you have? Not adding it ?
So I noticed something interesting...

Error Info
Exception: The path /home/USER/sitemap is not writable. Maybe you need to chmod 777 - library/XfAddOns/Sitemap/CronEntry/RebuildSitemap.php:28
Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 11:01 PM
^ What is intesting about that error message is the path

Site is located at /home/www/public_html/forums/
Why it would look for something above public_html is sort of odd

Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XfAddOns_Sitemap_CronEntry_RebuildSitemap::run(Array)
#1 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/Model/Cron.php(356): call_user_func(Array, Array)
#2 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/Deferred/Cron.php(24): XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry(Array)
#3 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(208): XenForo_Deferred_Cron->execute(Array, Array, 9.99999904633, '')
#4 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(331): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 9.99999904633, '', false)
#5 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(284): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, NULL, '', false)
#6 /home/www/public_html/forums/deferred.php(18): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(false)
#7 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(7) "http://"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

The only thing I've changed is this

And the con is working because

1) I originaly set it up to send me an e-mail when it ran (I got it)
2) Other things would not be working if it wasn't, but they are working so that means so is the cron job
Either way, I did do as the error told me

Maybe you need to chmod 777 - library/XfAddOns/Sitemap/CronEntry/RebuildSitemap.php

And then manually ran the cron for the site map and got a nice "the cron ran successfully message" :)
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I had the same error last night. Running as root:

The path /root/sitemap is not writable

I can manually run the sitemap generator via the ACP, so I'm going to disable the cron, and call it manually.
Hi guys, sorry if i have posted this in the wrong section....

I am having trouble installing the Cemzoo sitemap add-on. I have installed all the files into the xenforo installation but when i try to install from the ACP it i get this message:

Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read

I am not sure if i have installed the files correctly.

Any help would be much appreciated....
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how to generate the robot.txt file? ..and where does it get saved?

my forum is located in community folder off the root.
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how to generate the robot.txt file? ..and where does it get saved?

my forum is located in community folder off the root.

Take a look at the Rewrites-Apache.txt and Rewrites-Apache-Friendly-Urls.txt files located in the .zip file, which one you use depends on if you're using friendly URLs or not.
You will need to make changes to your .htaccess file as no robots.txt file is actually create, instead the .htaccess rules points the robots.txt request to a robots.php file which generates the output based on your options.

I have my XF installation located under /community like some others, I'm just wondering if it's better to use the Board URL or a configurable option for the getSitemapLocation() function instead of the HTTP Host Header? I only ask because my robots.txt had "Sitemap: http://www.25mm.net/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz" instead of "Sitemap: http://www.25mm.net/community/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz" for myself I got around this by hard coding in the library\XfAddOns\Sitemap\ControllerPublic\Robots.php file to look under /community.

I have my XF installation located under /community like some others, I'm just wondering if it's better to use the Board URL or a configurable option for the getSitemapLocation() function instead of the HTTP Host Header? I only ask because my robots.txt had "Sitemap: http://www.25mm.net/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz" instead of "Sitemap: http://www.25mm.net/community/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz" for myself I got around this by hard coding in the library\XfAddOns\Sitemap\ControllerPublic\Robots.php file to look under /community.

this was my issue as well... the robots.php file was writing two sitemap entries for my site:
    http://mydomain.com/sitemap/some sitemap file
    http://mydomain.com/comunity/sitemap/some sitemap file

the configuration for sitemap generation should allow full URL and the robots.php should be outputting exact data as well... IMHO.

this is my htaccess entry for robots.txt generation
    RewriteRule (robots\.txt)$ community/robots.php [NC,L]

@Rigel Kentaurus

There is a huge problem with the CLI script.

I added a cron task, that run the CLI php file to generate the sitemap at night, but google webmaster tools indicate that a tag at line 2 (in file sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz) is not closed.

I really need that working, could you take a look to this problem ?

When I manually run the command line (php clifile) the sitemap is working, but when I add the same command in a cron task it's not.

Best regards.
I am having trouble installing the Cemzoo sitemap add-on. I have installed all the files into the xenforo installation but when i try to install from the ACP it i get this message:

Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read

That error means you have not uploaded the files correctly. Make sure you have upload the contents of the upload folder to your forum root, not the folder upload itself.

Скриншот 2013-11-17 17.52.54.webp
That error means you have not uploaded the files correctly. Make sure you have upload the contents of the upload folder to your forum root, not the folder upload itself.

Thanks for the reply Andrej.

I have checked and yes i have uploaded the contents and not the folder upload but not sure if i have put the folders in the right place. Does the contents of the Library folder go into library or do i create another library folder? I have created a sitemap folder (which has no files to upload into it so its empty) and uploaded the robots.php file into the folder pictured above.

I have also uploaded the other files into the corresponding folder names in the XF installation.
Are you using an FTP client? If so, it is as simple as dragging the library, sitemap and robots.php folder and files to the right where your forum root is, and the FTP client will do the rest.

Otherwise make sure that you upload the folder inside /library (in this case XfAddOns folder) on your computer to the /library folder on your web server.
Thanks Andrej!!
I have finally managed to get the add on working by using an FTP client. (never used one before).
Thanks for the info. I have been trying to install this add on for about a month now. :)
So I have blocked the baidu bot yet it is still viewing a member profile? Which I also set this plugin not to allow any bots the crawl member profiles.

Also why is it the MSN bot never seems to go deeper than the forum list?
Any help would be great.
This doesn't seem to be submitting itself to Google, only my manual update so far. Is it supposed to?
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