[xFv] - Founding Member - XF1 [Deleted]


Well-known member
Cylent1 submitted a new resource:

xFv Founding Member - Adds a Founding Member Banner in multiple places.

xFv Founding Member


Dou you have a new forum? Even a older, bigger forum?
Would you like to award your newest Founding Members with a special banner located in multiple places?
Then xFv Founding Member is perfect for what you need.

Award your members...



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pretty cool addon, i think the image could look alittle better but the idea is very clever!
I'm not exactly an artist. Future releases are gonna feature a Upload Image Option along with a image chooser in the Addon Options.
fantastic idea, and yeah i know what you mean, luckily for me one of my best friend sis a professional graphic artist, so i normally ask her nicely to do it lol

Also what about a option for css banners?
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