[XFA] Media Of The Month - XF2

[XFA] Media Of The Month - XF2 [Paid] 4.5.0

No permission to buy (€15.00)
User would have to subscribe for that but I guess this is feasible.
It would only apply to mode 1 though (except for MOTM starts which would apply to mode 2 as well).
Is this what you had in mind ?
User would have to subscribe for that but I guess this is feasible.
It would only apply to mode 1 though (except for MOTM starts which would apply to mode 2 as well).
Is this what you had in mind ?
Yeap. Otherwise I have to send alerts manually every time when event starts or voting system starts
As noticed here:
For me the Error stil exist and is not solved. Both latest version (MOTM and core), XF 2.2.x, php 8.2, MariaDB 10.3.x
Who is this Maria?
Why don't you have a database?
Now this poor woman should care for all these heavy tractors?
Sorry, but it's just a support request in a support thread and not a funny chat topic.
By the way, I don't have to go anywhere to laugh, I can do that anywhere - just not at all times and about everything. ;)
ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "xfa_mgmtom_mode1_category" src/addons/XFA/XFMGMediaOfTheMonth/Service/Album/Create.php:61
Generated by: Unknown account May 2, 2024 at 1:05 AM
Stack trace
#0 src/addons/XFA/XFMGMediaOfTheMonth/Service/Album/Create.php(61): XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] Und...', '/var/www/vhosts...', 61)
#1 src/XF.php(625): XFA\XFMGMediaOfTheMonth\Service\Album\Create->XFA\XFMGMediaOfTheMonth\Service\Album\{closure}()

Option definitions were not up to date, but there is stil a typo (mtom vs motm) :)
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What did you mean regarding the typo ?
You've got mtom instead of motm in various places.

When will there be an update for XenForo 2.3?
At least several template edits fail for XF 2.3, one even for 2.2.13-16
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