Hello, We just migrated our large forum over to XenForo 2.1. Loving it so far! Occasionally, about every 2 hours, it seems like the xf_session_activity gets locked for writing and everything comes to a halt for about 2 minutes. APM shows it is this query that is locked and unable to complete:
I read about converting this table to InnoDB from MEMORY which I've done, but the problem remains. Any ideas on how to reduce writing to xf_session_activity?
INSERT INTO xf_session_activity ( user_id, unique_key, ip, controller_name, controller_action, view_state, params, view_date, robot_key ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ip = VALUES ( ip ), controller_name = VALUES ( controller_name ), controller_action = VALUES ( controller_action ), view_state = VALUES ( view_state ), params = VALUES ( params ), view_date = VALUES ( view_date ), robot_key = VALUES ( robot_key )
I read about converting this table to InnoDB from MEMORY which I've done, but the problem remains. Any ideas on how to reduce writing to xf_session_activity?