XF2.3 feedback and comments

@Paul B it seems like the transition has disappeared when you quick post a reply. I'm sure there used to be some kind of fade in transition that popped it into the thread. Now I hit reply and it just jolts and shows it at the bottom. A small thing but it was a nice transition.

Ignore this it's there now. 🤦‍♀️

That's the new AI bug fixer at work - fixing the bug as you write the post ...
I am experiencing this sporadically. No transition and just jumps the post into the thread.
So looks like no one has reported that not all emojis load in the emoji popup. Some appear as their shortcodes. Checked on Chrome Windows and Android.
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Now my editor is completely greyed out and cannot use any styling. Is this due to a current patch being installed? @Paul B

Ignore this. Apparently bbcode mode untoggled somehow.
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Kind of annoying that I click the lightening icon on mobile and have to deal with featured posts at the top of new posts 🤪. I really wish it was customizable so I could point it to new post page instead of what's new. Anyways, offtopic for this thread 🦚
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