Add-on XF2.0.11 - External Link Interstitial


Well-known member
This was an excellent add-on created by a vendor for XF1.3+ -- for member privacy and our privacy policy having a message appear warning people that they were being redirected to a third party site whose privacy policies may not be the same as our own was very important.

Does anyone know of an active add-on like this for XF2.0.11 or is there any interest in seeing on recreated? I emailed the original creator again, the first time it seems their time did not allow for such work..but it would be really, really nice to have. I'm actually surprised @an
I would try my luck with @au lait if I were you. His Link Management addon might have what you are looking for.
If not, au lait is one of the few devs who adds useful features to his addons constantly. So you might ask him on his board as a feature suggestion, you might be lucky.
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