- Affected version
- 2.0 RC2
Putting a <xf:textbox> and <xf:select> tag inside of an <xf:option> allows them to be disabled by the option tag being toggled.
However, you can't use an <xf:tokeninput> tag inside of an <xf:option> tag, which is somewhat annoying as it is a select2 element is ultimately a combination of a textbox & select tags and a lot of javascript goop which respects if it's underlying <select> tag is enabled/disabled.
However, you can't use an <xf:tokeninput> tag inside of an <xf:option> tag, which is somewhat annoying as it is a select2 element is ultimately a combination of a textbox & select tags and a lot of javascript goop which respects if it's underlying <select> tag is enabled/disabled.