XF 2.0 XF.ajax without loading indicator

Jake B.

Well-known member
Just curious if there is a way to use XF.ajax without having the loading indicator showing up, I've attempted to bypass XF's functions as well and just using jQuery's ajax function but it still shows up then.
Is there a list of the available options anywhere? If not, where are these defined? Currently trying to prevent any modals from being opened if there is an error or unexpected response
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See XF.ActionIndicator in core.js

If you don't want it to show for regular jQuery.ajax() you can remove the event handler:

$(document).off('ajaxStart', XF.ActionIndicator.show);

You should also be able to completely remove it with CSS:

.globalAction {
    display: none !important;

I haven't tested this but it should work
That would globally disable it, I only need to disable in a specific function, which was solved with Chris' suggestion
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