Fixed \XF\AddOn\AbstractSetup :: applyGlobalPermissionInt doesn't allow for copying existing int permission value

DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
Affected version
Based off of the functionality of the applyGlobalPermission function, I expected that applyGlobalPermissionInt would copy the current int permission value of a given $dependGroupId and $dependPermissionId.

However, that is not what's happening. Instead, it inserts the $applyValue only if the user group has "allow" for a given Flag permission (based off $dependGroupId and $dependPermissionId).

I would fix this issue by changing the relevant query to this:
                REPLACE INTO xf_permission_entry
                    (user_group_id, user_id, permission_group_id, permission_id, permission_value, permission_value_int)
                SELECT user_group_id, user_id, ?, ?, 'use_int', IF(permission_value = 'use_int', permission_value_int, ?)
                FROM xf_permission_entry
                WHERE permission_group_id = ?
                    AND permission_id = ?
                    AND permission_value IN('allow', 'use_int')
What this will do is copy the existing int permission if the given depend permission is an int permission, or use $applyValue if it is not. This maintains existing behaviour (apply the value to user groups with the given permission) while also allowing for the use of int permission copy.

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