XF 1.2 using IF IS <OnMobile>


Well-known member
im using xf 1.2 now

how to determine if the user is onmobile/ipad/tablet/phone?

basically i want to use if is and display text for mobile users and desktop pc.

<xen:if is="onmobile/tablet/phone">
WOW you are browsing thru your mobile
<xen:else />
Hi you are using desktop pc

what is the code for on mobile?
There is no "mobile" variable as such. You would have to write JavaScript to determine it post load.
You can use media queries to determine the device resolution and maybe do something with that but device detection would be more useful for some applications.
You can put your text in a div where you want then do something like this:


<div class="mobileText">Mobile text here</div>
<div class="desktopText">Desk top text here</div>

Then css...

.mobileText { display: none; }
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
     display: block;
     display: none;
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveMediumWidth)
     display: block;
     display: none;

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth)
     display: block;
     display: none;

This by default hides the mobileText for normal browsing, then once re-sized would show for the all responsive sizes and hides the desktopText. You might need some !important tags or better selectors on the CSS.

If you just use the first definition (@maxResponsiveWideWidth), it'll display in all 3 since they are all using max-width.

If you just use the first definition (@maxResponsiveWideWidth), it'll display in all 3 since they are all using max-width.

True, I was more using for reference as I wasn't sure if he wanted to display different things for the resolutions. But yes you could combine them of so.
oh thanks guys

basically ill be using it for adsense showing..
if its mobile it will display mobile sizes ads
else show the desktop sizes ads...

i really thought mobile varialbe is already in xf 1.2
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