XenWord Pro [Deleted]


Does this work with wordpress multisite?
Is there any other way to match xenforo and wordpress if they are on another domain?

This bridge requires the domain names to be the same. Sub domains will work.

Yes. I used a previous version on a multi site but haven't tried lately.
When bridge is will it automatically allow previously registered xenforo user login to wordpress? as don't want to install this plugin and find no one can login anymore.
When bridge is will it automatically allow previously registered xenforo user login to wordpress? as don't want to install this plugin and find no one can login anymore.

XenForo users login through XF as usual when the bridge is active. They will have access to WordPress based on settings.
Before I purchase, I had a question. I have a WordPress site completely separate from my forum. I just want to add a Newest Posts from the forum etc in the sidebar of my blog. No other integration. Would that be possible? :)

Thanks so much,
Hello again, I will be buying this after some decisions and discussions with various people..
I do however have one question, if I buy this bridge, will it work with WP plugins and MOST importantly, will it work with plugins such as member search; like THIS one?

Thank you so much :)
All it is, is a plugin for members.
I have to have something suitable for member searches.,
Do you think this will do it if i get it to read from the members DB?
LPH updated XenWord with a new update entry:

Bug fixes, Selected Forum, Simple Postrating support

( 81 ) Stable Release - May 2, 2015
Added er_what BBCode and changed query to use prepare
Rename class-xenword-login-wpusers.php and class-xenword-login-xfusers.php

( 80 ) Release Candidate - April 30, 2015
Upgraded Redux Framework v3.5.4.3
Added apply_filter to get_currentuserinfo() in class-xenword-add-wpusers.php
Bug Fix: Create XenForo_Model_Forum xf_save_comment
Bug Fix: SQL in xf_set_post_id

(79) Beta Candidate - April 30, 2015
Encapsulation of thread_id...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I've downloaded your free trial and set this up with the member plugin..
Hopefully I can get the two to work somehow. I know it's not the purpose of your add-on, but it would be magnificent if I could create a members directory, from this bridge.
Hi, I wanted to use the trial, but clicking the link gave me this: http://sohelp.me/

This webpage is not available

Is the trial not available anymore? I wanted to test it and see if it's compatible with Genesis and the theme, and see how it's using widgets.

Thanks in advance,

thank you! downloaded and installing. will this post content from Xenforo intro WP, or is it specifically posting WP content to Xenforo?



I have a couple of questions:
1. I am looking for a lifetime license without branding, so the Developer license is the one I need to buy, correct?
2. Besides the SSO, I am trying to add the latest Xenforo replies in a Widget (with thread title hyperlinked, time of latest post, username and avatar). Will I achieve this with Xenword?

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