XenWord Pro [Deleted]

Thank you, I had setup URL Portions which is why it wasn't showing up. But it is working now!

Next question, @LPH you and I had briefly touched on this, and perhaps there was a misunderstanding or my explanation was incorrect.

I have a site located at: www.mainsite.com, the forum is setup at www.mainsite.com/community

When all is said and done I'll be running 4 sites all at different domains. They do however all share hosting. I got the plugin setup on the second site working, once I log into the second site though it tosses me out and starts to give me errors when I try to log in. I assume this is because of the cookie, has anyone successfully linked 2 or more sites together using this resource?

Hmm... this script uses cookies set in library/config. You could try conditionals and change the prefix of the cookie based on the domain ...

Is it the same domain for /community but different domains or subdomains for WP?
Hmm... this script uses cookies set in library/config. You could try conditionals and change the prefix of the cookie based on the domain ...

Is it the same domain for /community but different domains or subdomains for WP?

The forum will always be at www.trainwreckgaming.com/community, the wp sites are www.trainwreckgaming.com, www.nerdcaved.com, www.torocast.com, and www.tesocast.com, I don't mind that clicking on the forum takes you to the trainwreckgaming.com/community site at all, just need the other three sites to be able to log in.
LPH updated XenWord with a new update entry:

New User Permissions Based on XenForo Secondary Usergroup

  • New WordPress User permissions based on XenForo Secondary Group
  • New Admin panel page for enabling WordPress Users Panel
  • New Widget for diagnostics
  • Tested with XenForo 1.3 Beta 4
  • Removed multisite-config file
This is a short 17-minute unscripted walk through on new features in XenWord The biggest change in this version is the permission changes based on the XenForo secondary group. This completely changes the functioning of the plugin and should...

Read the rest of this update entry...

PS. Those with eagle eyes will notice this is running on WP Version: 3.9-alpha-27234.
@LPH What did the multisite-config file do? Also does anyone have any ideas how to fix my problem, if it is possible to fix, or am I going to be forced to use Multi-site for what I want to do with it?

Answer in PM.

Important - reports of gravatars not showing in I will investigate. Keep activate for now.
@LPH - I started switching the user IDs in Wordpress to match those in xF - after doing this though, I noticed it didn't update the author automatically and it shows the original person in that ID as doing the revisions too. I tried disabling and re-enabling the bridge to see if this was the cause, but no joy. I can manually change the author, but surely it should no longer reference the person with the original ID, as they had no involvement with the article?

Also - do you have a working front-end userbar or login for xF on WP?
@LPH - I started switching the user IDs in Wordpress to match those in xF - after doing this though, I noticed it didn't update the author automatically and it shows the original person in that ID as doing the revisions too. I tried disabling and re-enabling the bridge to see if this was the cause, but no joy. I can manually change the author, but surely it should no longer reference the person with the original ID, as they had no involvement with the article?

Make sure that each of the XenForo ID is matched in the WordPress user and usermeta. Let me know if you'd like some help - I should be online late tonight ( in about 7-8 hours from now).

Also - do you have a working front-end userbar or login for xF on WP?

This hasn't been updated - and I had it to a form at one point - but see if that code will help.

XenWord Download Available

The latest WordPress 3.9 alpha greatly influences the activation of XenWord. The code was modified slightly so that the activation error no longer happens. This latest version is available to all purchasers and works fine on non-multisite installations*.

* Members of WordPress who log into the site will still have the gravatar bug. I'm still working on it. The latest stable version remains for multisite and single WP installations.
Only a little bit of work tonight - making sure this plugin works with WordPress 3.9-beta1-27501 and XenForo 1.3. I still have not tested the latest on a multisite configuration.

Please let me know if you'd like to test 1.01.01 with the latest code for permissions from the XenForo secondary user group.
Hi, I have received my license but I'm still a little bit confused about what should I do in order to synchronise current admins and authors with xenforo accounts.


Can you explain a little bit more the above image? What do I need to change in my database to synchronise both databases?
Hi, I have received my license but I'm still a little bit confused about what should I do in order to synchronise current admins and authors with xenforo accounts.


Can you explain a little bit more the above image? What do I need to change in my database to synchronise both databases?


Sure - the main idea is to align the administrator accounts in WordPress and XenForo. This is done by changing the WordPress users to the matching IDs of XenForo.

In the image above, you will see that wp_users ID 2 is actually 16 in XenForo. So, you'd make the change to 16 for that user in wp_users and wp_usermeta. Now - user 16 in the wp_users and wp_usermeta already exists and would need to be changed to a 2 ... to match the XenForo user_id. And so on ...

As another example from the image, user 5 would be changed to 30 to reflect the XenForo ID ..

If you'd like, You may PM me and we can get into greater specific detail for your site ...

Sure - the main idea is to align the administrator accounts in WordPress and XenForo. This is done by changing the WordPress users to the matching IDs of XenForo.

In the image above, you will see that wp_users ID 2 is actually 16 in XenForo. So, you'd make the change to 16 for that user in wp_users and wp_usermeta. Now - user 16 in the wp_users and wp_usermeta already exists and would need to be changed to a 2 ... to match the XenForo user_id. And so on ...

As another example from the image, user 5 would be changed to 30 to reflect the XenForo ID ..

If you'd like, You may PM me and we can get into greater specific detail for your site ...
Thank you for your help.

If I have my forum under http://forums.site.com and my wordpress under http://www.site.com, how should I configure the xenword-setting.php file?
Members Plugin Support added tonight. *

Imagine using the WordPress Members plugin and creating many different new roles for a WordPress site. Now imagine mapping these new roles to a XenForo secondary group.

The following image shows a "banned" role added to a WordPress site using the members plugin. This role is available to map to a XenForo secondary usergroup (left side of image).

Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 10.10.07 PM.webp

*This version is tested on a local MAMP Pro development site. It is not available for download. Please let me know if you are interested in testing it.
Alerts & Conversations in WordPress Toolbar

This isn't a feature added (yet) but is very possible. Add the following code to a functions.php or open up the xenword-users.php file.

add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'xenword_toolbar', 999 );

function xenword_toolbar( $wp_admin_bar ) {
    global $XF, $wp_admin_bar;
    $xf_options = get_option( 'xf_options' );
    $forum_path = $xf_options['xf_rel_path'];
    $args = array(
        'id' => 'conversations',
        'title' => 'Conversations ' . $XF->visitor->get('conversations_unread'),
        'href' => $forum_path . '/conversations'


    $args1 = array(
        'id' => 'alerts',
        'title' => 'Alerts ' . $XF->visitor->get('alerts_unread'),
        'href' => $forum_path . '/account/alerts'

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