xenTaku [Deleted]

Haha, thanks!

I plan on doing a few major things with the style, it's the first style I offered here and I learned so much since launching it. Hopefully I will be doing quite a few changes to it in the days to come.

But in the mean time, I'll get to work on a red variant :D

Thanks so much!!! :D

Also, for your first style, I love it. Literally was searching everywhere for a good style and this is the one I chose in the end! It's perfect the way it is :P
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xenTaku Future Development
The future of xenTaku is really bright, we plan on introducing more color variants, more controllable style properties, custom node icons and a lot more based on your feedback.

Is this still a valid statement? Seems it was made a while ago and there's still the same colours no custom node icons
xenTaku Future Development
The future of xenTaku is really bright, we plan on introducing more color variants, more controllable style properties, custom node icons and a lot more based on your feedback.

Is this still a valid statement? Seems it was made a while ago and there's still the same colours no custom node icons

Node Icons were added, along with it's PSD file.

As for color variants, it only requires the changing of 2 color style properties since the gradients are rendered using CSS3. So while it only takes a literally a minute to change I leave that up to the end purchaser.

I am open for any particular feature requests for 1.4.x but I look forward to XF 2.0 for then I'll likely redo all of my styles from the ground up.
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