XF 1.4 XenPorta - Install staff online block

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My site is using XenPorta, and I want to have the Staff Online block, that is on my forums on my homepage.

Here is my xenporta page: http://gyazo.com/108c229aa2d0f6f2cef108957a42aacd

I have the option to install blocks, so I need to know how to get that.

I have it on the forums and it works fine on that.
You don't need to install a block.

Navigate to the Blocks page, press "OnlineUsers" and check "Show Staff Online Now"


Ok thanks,

Also how do I edit the layout of a page?

I want to change the blocks on my forum page.
Also a XenPorta option. Go to "Layouts", "Index" and then change the order/visiblity of the blocks by clicking and dragging
You don't need to install a block.

Navigate to the Blocks page, press "OnlineUsers" and check "Show Staff Online Now"


Also a XenPorta option. Go to "Layouts", "Index" and then change the order/visiblity of the blocks by clicking and dragging

Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it!
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