

No permission to download
I know how to create a page node, but I don't know how to go about creating content of the page itself.
Is there no Contact Us page option built into XF?
Going to FINALLY use this theme. Is it going to be adjusted for 1.5.3 or can we just merge outdated templates, etc?
Mike Creuzer updated Xenith with a new update entry:

Major UI.X updates, contrast improvements, and new features

Hi all,

We'd like to apologize for the delay in this release, things got a little hectic. But we made sure it was our best work. The biggest outcry was contrast, so we made sure to get that addressed.

In addition to all the features in the last 3-5 UI.X releases, plus all the bug fixes reported to date taken care of.

Some of the new features/bug fixes include:
  • static canvas panel support
  • .commentSimple and .messageSimple (comments and small messages) have been styled as that...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Can we update if we are using 1.5.2?

I updated Xenith and I am using XF 1.5.2.

After that, I reapplied a template change in PAGE_CONTAINER which is just something that hardcodes title suffixes. But after doing that I am getting "Template Outdated" alert. Any idea?
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