
I'm giving you constructive criticism as another web designer that when you have competition that doesn't charge for everything, people will ask questions as to why this is like this. I'm only asking questions.

You are not giving constructive criticism. What you are doing, is talking about things, that by the looks of it, you do not have a clue about.

All you have to do is code it once, then you copy and paste the same software over and over and charge $50 for it?

Really? I mean really? Wow. To quote @Brogan as well: Go on then.
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XenForo has been around for 4 years compared to the other softwares which have been around for 10+. Of course those ones have more addons, they existed longer and currently have a bigger user base. XenForo is rapidly growing and therefore so are the resources.

The reason more people release free addons for phpbb or mybb is due to the fact that the software itself is free. More people have access to the code and more people (even unqualified people) can release addons. Comparing the add on ecosystem of a paid software and a free software isn't fair. Comparing is VB is slightly more fair but since it's been around a lot longer, it makes it unfair.

In addition, you should never purchase software based on the addons you can download. You should focus on the best core product. Even if XenForo had no addons available, it's a better choice than vb5.
All you have to do is code it once, then you copy and paste the same software over and over and charge $50 for it?


Coding >> updating >> fixing is just some of what it entails when you develop something. Think of it as a W.I.P where time is being taken away from said author. Add-ons and styles are never code and walk away jobs they constantly need updating, supported and fixed when new versions of the core software is released.

Coding >> updating >> fixing is just some of what it entails when you develop something. Think of it as a W.I.P where time is being taken away from said author. Add-ons and styles are never code and walk away jobs they constantly need updating, supported and fixed when new versions of the core software is released.

I think there can be some exceptions, though, if it's something fairly simple. For example, my styles just involve modifying the style properties and some templates (e.g., commenting out Warning Points on both the member card and member profile) and adding or modifying CSS, but nothing complex, so they'll probably always be compatible with all versions of XenForo.

There may be the case here or there of outdated templates, but that wouldn't be a constant thing that needs fixing.
I think there can be some exceptions, though, if it's something fairly simple. For example, my styles just involve modifying the style properties and some templates (e.g., commenting out Warning Points on both the member card and member profile) and adding or modifying CSS, but nothing complex, so they'll probably always be compatible with all versions of XenForo.

There may be the case here or there of outdated templates, but that wouldn't be a constant thing that needs fixing.

I can appreciate the point being made there and would agree since I style my own styles using mainly EXTRA.CSS and they rarely need updated. Updated in a sense that it's rare that I spend more than a minute or 2 reverting/merging a template. But that is a whole other debate not one I feel applies here since the premium styles here do need updating and others need updating and fine tuning who have introduced their frameworks and may need other fixes to work with 3rd party add-ons and responsive.

But that irrelevant, If an author charges it's well within their right whether the style needs minimum time and effort through each update, same rule applies to a simple add-on. But as stated above that is a whole other thread. :D
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