XF 1.1 xenforo -webkit- -moz- -ms-


Well-known member
I just would like to know if i have to add every of the CSS Code below to xenforo, to make it compatible for every Browser, or is one of them enough?
I think I read somewhere that XenForo adapts this kind of code for other browsers itself?
If you use it in style property, XF will clone some rules and add prefix to it. It depends on rule. Check CSS in browser after adding rule to see if it worked.

If you use it in template file, you need to make all copies yourself.
No. It is done by style properties parser.

You shouldn't really need it. Only few rules need extensive copying: transition, transform and animation
If many of them are the same and used within same templates, you can use <xen:set> to clone it:
<xen:set var="$myTransform">
-webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
transform: scale(0.5);


<xen:set var="$myTransform">scale(0.5)</xen:set>
   -moz-transform: {$myTransform};
   -webkit-transform: {$myTransform};
   transform: {$myTransform};
What effect are you trying to do?

If its transformation, try using 3d transformations. Most phones have hardware acceleration for that and WebKit browsers support it.
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