Brad Padgett
Well-known member
<xf:if is="$options.staffOnline">
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="block" data-widget-section="staffMembers"{{ widget_data($widget) }}>
<div class="block-container">
<h3 class="block-minorHeader"><a href="{{ link('members', null, {'key': 'staff_members'}) }}">{{ phrase('staff_online') }}</a></h3>
<ul class="block-body">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user">
<xf:if is="$user.is_staff">
<li class="block-row">
<div class="contentRow">
<div class="contentRow-figure">
<xf:avatar user="$user" size="xs" />
<div class="contentRow-main contentRow-main--close">
<xf:username user="$user" rich="true" />
<div class="contentRow-minor">
<xf:usertitle user="$user" />
<div class="block" data-widget-section="onlineNow"{{ widget_data($widget) }}>
<div class="block-container">
<h3 class="block-minorHeader"><a href="{{ link('online') }}">{$title}</a></h3>
<div class="block-body">
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="block-row block-row--minor">
<h4 class="block-textHeader block-textHeader--scaled">
{{ phrase('people_you_follow') }}
<ul class="listHeap">
<xf:if is="$options.followedOnline">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user">
<xf:if is="in_array($user.user_id, $xf.visitor.Profile.following)">
<xf:avatar user="$user" size="xxs" img="true" />
<div class="block-row block-row--minor">
<h4 class="block-textHeader block-textHeader--scaled">
{{ phrase('members') }}
<xf:else />
<div class="block-row block-row--minor">
<xf:if is="$online.users is not empty">
<ul class="listInline listInline--comma">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user"><xf:trim>
<li><xf:username user="$user" rich="true" class="{{ !$user.visible ? 'username--invisible' : '' }}" /></li>
<xf:else />
{{ phrase('no_members_online_now') }}
<div class="block-footer">
<span class="block-footer-counter">{{ phrase('online_now_x_members_y_guests_z',{
'total': number($,
'members': number($online.counts.members),
'guests': number($online.counts.guests)})
Hey I recently was editing widget_members_online in a different style then the default and as I was I noticed after reverting the areas above highlighted in red were highlighted in red inside of the template. But it wasn't because I reverted because I changed it to the default untouched style to see and the areas were still highlighted by the template editor as if there was to be an error but the template was untouched.
I highlighted in red in the code above which errors were highlighted by the editor.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
EDIT: I couldn't use the code tags because it wouldn't let me highlight the area so I just undid them just now.
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="block" data-widget-section="staffMembers"{{ widget_data($widget) }}>
<div class="block-container">
<h3 class="block-minorHeader"><a href="{{ link('members', null, {'key': 'staff_members'}) }}">{{ phrase('staff_online') }}</a></h3>
<ul class="block-body">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user">
<xf:if is="$user.is_staff">
<li class="block-row">
<div class="contentRow">
<div class="contentRow-figure">
<xf:avatar user="$user" size="xs" />
<div class="contentRow-main contentRow-main--close">
<xf:username user="$user" rich="true" />
<div class="contentRow-minor">
<xf:usertitle user="$user" />
<div class="block" data-widget-section="onlineNow"{{ widget_data($widget) }}>
<div class="block-container">
<h3 class="block-minorHeader"><a href="{{ link('online') }}">{$title}</a></h3>
<div class="block-body">
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="block-row block-row--minor">
<h4 class="block-textHeader block-textHeader--scaled">
{{ phrase('people_you_follow') }}
<ul class="listHeap">
<xf:if is="$options.followedOnline">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user">
<xf:if is="in_array($user.user_id, $xf.visitor.Profile.following)">
<xf:avatar user="$user" size="xxs" img="true" />
<div class="block-row block-row--minor">
<h4 class="block-textHeader block-textHeader--scaled">
{{ phrase('members') }}
<xf:else />
<div class="block-row block-row--minor">
<xf:if is="$online.users is not empty">
<ul class="listInline listInline--comma">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user"><xf:trim>
<li><xf:username user="$user" rich="true" class="{{ !$user.visible ? 'username--invisible' : '' }}" /></li>
<xf:else />
{{ phrase('no_members_online_now') }}
<div class="block-footer">
<span class="block-footer-counter">{{ phrase('online_now_x_members_y_guests_z',{
'total': number($,
'members': number($online.counts.members),
'guests': number($online.counts.guests)})
Hey I recently was editing widget_members_online in a different style then the default and as I was I noticed after reverting the areas above highlighted in red were highlighted in red inside of the template. But it wasn't because I reverted because I changed it to the default untouched style to see and the areas were still highlighted by the template editor as if there was to be an error but the template was untouched.
I highlighted in red in the code above which errors were highlighted by the editor.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
EDIT: I couldn't use the code tags because it wouldn't let me highlight the area so I just undid them just now.