XenForo support forum in foreign languages

Old Nick

Well-known member
Hello, I created a few months ago a XenForo support forum in French, @Melvin Garcia created one in Spanish and I know one in Italian but I don't know who here is the administrator.

So if you are yourself the creator or the administrator of a XenForo support forum in a foreign language you can report yourself in this discussion, the idea would be to create a kind of small network between us to support each other others by sharing our URLs to begin with, then why not find other forms of sharing and mutual aid.

If this sounds interesting to you, don't hesitate!
I created a page to list the various support sites (each language can have multiple sites). It will evolve as new forums are created or discovered.
Feel free to make suggestions about this page.

Links to forums are do follow (good for SEO!).
Developers and translators are the two most important pieces for the success of a software project.

Thank you to those who donate their time in the form of add-ons and translations, even for free, and make them available to everyone.

It's also great to see some developers responding to support questions in the forums of another competitor developer's add-ons.

These things make XenForo a unique and truly friendly community.
The page is a page-node with the following settings:
  • Display in the node list: unchecked
  • Advanced mode: checked
This is the HTML code to add to the page template:
(you will need to edit the flag images path and <head> tags to yours)
<xf:head option="meta_description">
    <meta name="description" content="Réseau multilingue de support XenForo">
    <meta property="og:description" content="Réseau multilingue de support XenForo">
    <meta property="twitter:description" content="Réseau multilingue de support XenForo">
    <meta name="keywords" content="support, XenForo, Forum, multilingue, réseau, anglais, français, espagnol, allemand">
    <meta name="author" content="XenForo FR">

<div class="block">
    <div class="block-container">
        <div class="block-header">
            <xf:fa icon="fa-language" />&nbsp;&nbsp;Langues supportées
        <ol class="block-body">
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/angleterre.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Anglais / English
                            <a href="https://xenforo.com/community" target="_blank">https://xenforo.com/community</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Staff members</b> : Kier, ChrisD, JeremyP, Nixfifty, Brogan, Slavik. (<a href="https://xenforo.com/community/members/?key=staff_members" target="_blank">See...</a>)
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/france.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Français / French
                            <a href="https://xenforo.fr">https://xenforo.fr</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Membre(s) du staff</b> : Nicolas. (<a href="https://xenforo.fr/members/?key=staff_members">Voir...</a>)
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            <a href="https://xenfrench.net/forum/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">https://xenfrench.net/forum</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Membres du staff</b> : Allan, Body, Masterman, nitro, Tony. (<a href="https://www.xenfrench.net/forum/members/?key=staff_members" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Voir...</a>)
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/espagne.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Espagnol / Spanish / Español
                            <a href="https://xenhispano.net/" target="_blank">https://xenhispano.net</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Miembros del equipo</b> : nextgen, Satapunk. (<a href="https://xenhispano.net/miembros/?key=staff_members" target="_blank">Ver...</a>)
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/allemagne.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Allemand / German / Deutsch
                            <a href="https://www.xendach.de/" target="_blank">https://www.xendach.de</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Mitarbeiter</b> : McAtze.
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/italie.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Italien / Italian / Italiano
                            <a href="https://www.xfitalia.it/community/" target="_blank">https://www.xfitalia.it/community</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Membri dello Staff</b> : Il Custode. (<a href="https://www.xfitalia.it/community/members/?key=staff_members" target="_blank">Vedere...</a>)
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/pologne.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Polonais / Polish / Polski
                            <a href="https://forum-xf.pl/" target="_blank">https://forum-xf.pl</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Pracownicy</b> : dave. (<a href="https://forum-xf.pl/members/?key=staff_members" target="_blank">widzieć...</a>)
            <li class="block-row block-row--separated">
                <div class="contentRow">
                    <span class="contentRow-figure
                        <img src="/data/tuto-images/turquie.webp" />
                    <div class="contentRow-main">
                        <h2 class="contentRow-header unbold">
                            Turc / Turkish / Türkçe
                            <a href="https://xentr.net/" target="_blank">https://xentr.net</a>
                        <div class="contentRow-minor">
                            <b>Personel üyeleri</b> : XenTR. (<a href="https://xentr.net/members/?key=staff_members" target="_blank">görmek...</a>)

And a small CSS code to add to the extra.less template:
.flag-large {
    width: 80px !important;

Attached the flags... (.webp) ;)


So if you are yourself the creator or the administrator of a XenForo support forum in a foreign language you can report yourself in this discussion, the idea would be to create a kind of small network between us to support each other others by sharing our URLs to begin with, then why not find other forms of sharing and mutual aid.
I think this is a great idea, @Nicolas FR. Keep up!
Yes, that's for sure, it wouldn't help. English does the job well for that.

The interest of the Slovenian translation resource I posted is more to create an SEO link that could possibly benefit customizeXF even though I'm very small at the moment, so take it as a wink between friends. ;)
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