XF 1.5 Xenforo SSL - I have both HTTP and HTTPS how to force only HTTPS?


Active member

Just set up my second XF forum. (Yeey!)

This one is https. When installing I added https in the appropriate section and https works well. However when I enter http://myforum.com there is http version as well.

How do I redirect users to https, I do not want to have separate https and http.

When I tried http on the xenforo community forum, I was redirected to https, so that's what I would like to achieve as well.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT : Here's a link to my forum
Thanks @Dadparvar but that did not work out for me.

I just installed XF and I have to htaccess files
added it in htaccess not htaccess.txt, is that right?

Also in yoursite.com do I add mysite.com or mysite.com/forums? Tried both nothing worked though, cleared cache.

Here's how my file looks

Perhaps @Brogan or @Mike can chime in?


Added the code on top right below
RewriteEngine On

Thanks a lot!
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