xenforo lookalike site :)

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His site oddly enough loads FASTER then XenForo. So I say... Job well done.
Thanks TheVisitors, :) I took help from google's pagespeed plugin for firefox to find out what is causing my pages to load slowly. accordingly i adjusted things...

I minified +gzipped my css and js (i guess everyone does that). I also used jquery to load other javascripts (asynchronous loading of javascripts). I can do much more to load even faster. I have decided to setup a cookie free subdomain for parallel loading of static content.

Hope this will help others too for optimizing their websites.

Also for those who thinks its just about copying... I say its called good programming. I am proud that I am a good coder.
It's an impressive likeness, but I wouldn't say it is identical to XenForo. If XenForo can inspire someone to make a similar looking style that must be good sign that XenForo is doing a lot right in the looks department.
cant say its a blatant ripoff at all, he took his time to completely redesign the forum looks are compared to e107 forum design which took alot of work
how ajay coded the forum design, the style of it is completely different than the xf coding script. the simlalrity of xf ios a given but the programming of it is a differnet. should xf sue ajay because he designed it similar to xf design? those who complained about the rip off are hypocrites consider your own comments toward the ib lawsuit

and as for the likes feature, ajay just simply edited the e107 mods plugin called thanks and he just replaced the thanks with likes and added own customization on the plugin.
since when does the word "like" belnog to xf? it originally came from facebook
It took me 3 weeks to design the forum. 4 months on the whole to redesing the whole site.
You can find lot of sites with design similar to facebook, well if i wear what u are wearing, is it a crime?? :-/
Thanks TheVisitors, :) I took help from google's pagespeed plugin for firefox to find out what is causing my pages to load slowly. accordingly i adjusted things...

What's apture ?
How well is it working for you.
Does this toolbar appear just when the usual toolbar is not visible ? Works kinda well !

Your site:
The Like works very well.
The Blog on the Home Page is nice. I'd like a categories side block.
Arcade was fun ... I'm getting pretty good at the Paper Throw :)
I looked for a recent Posts or What's new on the forums ... couldn't really find any ? (I see the recents posts on the home page).
cant say its a blatant ripoff at all, he took his time to completely redesign the forum looks are compared to e107 forum design which took alot of work
how ajay coded the forum design, the style of it is completely different than the xf coding script. the simlalrity of xf ios a given but the programming of it is a differnet. should xf sue ajay because he designed it similar to xf design?

The amount of work doesn't constitute the lack of imagination that is somewhat irrelevant. It's nicely implemented don't get me wrong but inspiration is not the word I would use here. That said, we will see a lot of this throughout the myriad of forum software. Xenforo innovates - forum developers become inspired. :rolleyes:
how ajay coded the forum design, the style of it is completely different than the xf coding script. the simlalrity of xf ios a given but the programming of it is a differnet. should xf sue ajay because he designed it similar to xf design? those who complained about the rip off are hypocrites consider your own comments toward the ib lawsuit
This is true.
And as for the likes feature, ajay just simply edited the e107 mods plugin called thanks and he just replaced the thanks with likes and added own customization on the plugin.
since when does the word "like" belnog to xf? it originally came from facebook
It is well done.
It took me 3 weeks to design the forum. 4 months on the whole to redesing the whole site. You can find lot of sites with design similar to facebook, well if i wear what u are wearing, is it a crime?? :-/
Easy now.
No one is suing anyone.
and everyone is pretty impressed with your coding. Great job.

AJay, with your coding skills ... would there be advantages to using xenforo's platform for the future of your site ?
Do you have any formal relationship with e107 ? or are you just using it because that is what you chose for your site ?
View attachment 14224
What's apture ?
How well is it working for you.
Does this toolbar appear just when the usual toolbar is not visible ? Works kinda well !

Your site:
The Like works very well.
The Blog on the Home Page is nice. I'd like a categories side block.
Arcade was fun ... I'm getting pretty good at the Paper Throw :)
I looked for a recent Posts or What's new on the forums ... couldn't really find any ? (I see the recents posts on the home page).

>>I'd like a categories side block
can you please explain more on this.

>>I looked for a recent Posts or What's new on the forums ... couldn't really find any ?
There are still unfinished things on forum, I had pressure of releasing the new design as 22nd Apr was my bday :) so i finished most of the functional part of website. still doing small bug fixes and stuff. I will surely add resent post, next-prev thread links, thread subscription links...

The amount of work doesn't constitute the lack of imagination that is somewhat irrelevant. It's nicely implemented don't get me wrong but inspiration is not the word I would use here. That said, we will see a lot of this throughout the myriad of forum software. Xenforo innovates - forum developers become inspired. :rolleyes:

Not to forget, "Like" feature came from facebook, and just take a look at your user page in xenforo... similar to facebook?? isnt it? people do take insiprations. Its not just about copying.
AJay, with your coding skills ... would there be advantages to using xenforo's platform for the future of your site ?
Do you have any formal relationship with e107 ? or are you just using it because that is what you chose for your site ?

I have four major areas of my website
1. Forum
3. Tutorial
4. News
(ordered by popularity)

If xenforo is flexible enough to provide such features i would surely use it. But again porting everything from e107 to xenforo is hectic.

I am using e107 since i started my original website (www.rickeyworld.info). e107 is simple enough to modify and do things yourself. Not to forget, I am not a web designer, I am electronics engineer :)
>>I'd like a categories side block
can you please explain more on this.

>>I looked for a recent Posts or What's new on the forums ... couldn't really find any ?
There are still unfinished things on forum, I had pressure of releasing the new design as 22nd Apr was my bday :) so i finished most of the functional part of website. still doing small bug fixes and stuff. I will surely add resent post, next-prev thread links, thread subscription links...

Not to forget, "Like" feature came from facebook, and just take a look at your user page in xenforo... similar to facebook?? isnt it? people do take insiprations. Its not just about copying.

I'm not talking about the feature itself. I'm speaking about the way it was deployed, implemented. Eitherway, I don't really care about this subject matter to much to involve myself in, or spell out the obvious.
@Digital Doctor, i forgot to tell about Apture.
Its working well, the toolbar only comes out when you scroll down. I think they have fixed some amount after that its visible. for now I am just keeping it as its handy in some moments. but for forum i guess i will remove it.

Apture creates problem when you just want to select text and Apture start playing with it, user gets annoyed.

Wibiya toolbar on the other hand is much better. its there on the bottom of my page. Looks like i need to change its color as it wasnt visible to you :P
>>I'd like a categories side block
can you please explain more on this.

Here is a News Categories side block.
It is just a personal preference really.
I also added a "What's new" which would list everything that is new :)

Wouldn't your site benefit from a wiki where people keep things up to date ?
For detailed information about your uControllers ?
etc ?

Of what you know about Xenforo ... does it offer you something that e107 can't do or do well ?
I already have a list new plugin. :) i will surely enable it.
and regarding news category, I will create a plugin for that.

I guess e107 is good enough for any website. The best thing about e107 is, its highly customizable and very designer friendly.
I already have a list new plugin. :) i will surely enable it.
and regarding news category, I will create a plugin for that.

I guess e107 is good enough for any website. The best thing about e107 is, its highly customizable and very designer friendly.
How does those games work or should I say... Is the arcade integrated into site, to which scores belong to a user or are scores not stored (looks like they are, but...) Did you create the arcade or modified any games to work with collecting information or was it download and install as a plug-in.
I created arcade myself, Its similar to IPB arcade. I showcased my arcade there too.
Thought i did not update arcade design yet :) but its still looks fine.

Scores are linked to users on site, its all tightly coupled as a part of e107.
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