XenForo for corp. internal forum


New member
Hello, my company of 600 people is interested in using Xenforo as industry "best practices" forum. I have a couple of questions.

1. Would we be required to use our own servers or can we use external hosting? Is it difficult to migrate the data to our servers from a host company if we decide to switch? How much hosting space should we buy if we plan on having light traffic and switching to interally hosted in 1 month?

2. Is it possible to set up notifications that parse for user specific keywords? Say i was interested in mobile device programming, could i be notified automatically via email whenever anyone uses the work "app" or "android" and my coworker was interested in manufacturing and could set to be notified when someone used the word "CAD/CAM" ?

Any and all help would be appreciated?
1. You can use your own servers; purchase external hosting, etc. You will however, need to provide XenForo with the domain to associate with your license.
2. If you would like to accomplish this, it will require custom programming or an add-on. @Trombones13 has something similar on his site (artist follows) and may be able to tell you which add-on he utilizes.
Hello, my company of 600 people is interested in using Xenforo as industry "best practices" forum. I have a couple of questions.

1. Would we be required to use our own servers or can we use external hosting? Is it difficult to migrate the data to our servers from a host company if we decide to switch? How much hosting space should we buy if we plan on having light traffic and switching to interally hosted in 1 month?

2. Is it possible to set up notifications that parse for user specific keywords? Say i was interested in mobile device programming, could i be notified automatically via email whenever anyone uses the work "app" or "android" and my coworker was interested in manufacturing and could set to be notified when someone used the word "CAD/CAM" ?

Any and all help would be appreciated?
a. You can use your own servers or external hosting. XenForo does not offer XF forum hosting.
b. It's not - simply do a database dump then transfer the files and database over.
c. If you are going to internally host in 1 month, I don't see why you should buy hosting spaces. However, XenForo itself occupies about 10M data (excluding attachments).
2. See @King Kovifor 's answer
2. Is it possible to set up notifications that parse for user specific keywords? Say i was interested in mobile device programming, could i be notified automatically via email whenever anyone uses the work "app" or "android" and my coworker was interested in manufacturing and could set to be notified when someone used the word "CAD/CAM" ?

Any and all help would be appreciated?
I have this addon installed. It's a custom job that @xfrocks created.
It works just like Google Keyword Alerts.
2. If you would like to accomplish this, it will require custom programming or an add-on. @Trombones13 has something similar on his site (artist follows) and may be able to tell you which add-on he utilizes.
That was a custom add-on provided by Martin Aronsen and is probably not available for redistribution, unfortunately. You could ask him (he's a member here), but I haven't seen him around lately.
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