XenForo Enhanced Search


XenForo Enhanced Search - who can link a forum on xenforo using this script?

Want to see the difference beetwen the standart search and Enhanced Search.
Only difference in the front-end is that you can search for less than 3 character words and it's much faster but then speed depends on server resources, data-base size, etc so you can't really see that from a demo.
I'm not sure what you mean? That's just a style change that I'm sure someone could help you with. The search addon is ALL about performance for large sites with big databases where a standard mysql search would take 10 seconds to return something, ES is almost instant.
There are guides on here but it's maybe something your host needs to do for you. Also it uses a LOT of memory which is something to bear in mind.

I'd definitely recommend leaving it until you are sure you require it. If your current search doesn't seem slow you don't need it.
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