XF 1.4 XenForo Directory 18GB


Active member

I've a forum with almost 1m messages but my forum directory's size is 18GB.

Users are not allow to upload attachements or anything like that but how it can be 18GB?

Is this about new image/links cache system? Where XenForo caches these things?
The link proxy allows you to track links outgoing and how often they are clicked. The image proxy caches images on your server so that if they are temporarily unavailable, your site still displays them for a short amount of time. You can configure how long these are stored.
The cached files are stored within the data directory and you can't change they. Have you determined which sub directories contain the most amount of memory?
Have you determined which sub directories contain the most amount of memory?
I'm not the OP so I don't want to hijack his post. I'm following as my /data/... values are growing as well.

So, if I reduce the timeframe in Options->Logging Options then the system will remove the outdated cached data?
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