XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

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I never thought of changing to other software aswell, but i have no regrets i really like xenforo
Everyone should realise by now that criticism of another's product should be directed to another's website. This site is about XenForo.

I understand but I think xenforo will atleast for awhile be linked and compared to vbulletin.
Why? Most xenforo owners are ex vbulletin owners like yourself are an ex vbulletin coder.

That said, I see xenforo as it is. An amazing work and the addons and themes are perhaps not as much as you can find on vbulletin.org but they are all good and very usefull.
I now have this feeling my forum is complete while in the past i always had to change stuff i was always busy.

You have created something to be very proud off.

For me it's all about xenforo now!

I have to say that I really like XenForo. But, part of me thinks that vBulletin will respond by releasing a really good upgraded version, which will have a CMS and all other bridges and perhaps coupled with a sale will blow XenForo out of the water. Ultimately, I would put it to you that people do not want to take risks, and stick to brand names that they know.

I appreciate that Kier is a bit of a brand name himself and that there are a lot of keen people on this forum. But surely, we are just a very small number of potential customers who will not alone be enough to make the product swim?

See that part in RED I highlighted specially. Well a brand name is only as good as the people working behind it. Sorry to say, but when the old developers left vBulletin that brand name kind of went flying down the toilet.

And as for them having the resources to do major changes much faster than XenForo. I'll ask you a question then? Why have they still not even created a matching Admin CP style yet, one to match the front-end look. One they actually did promise over a year ago would be done in 2 months maximum. They won't do it because they're too busy thinking up new vBulletin add-on Apps that cost you even more money to use their software.
the op reminds me of the topics that were posted on vb in its early days.
'a couple guys cannot defeat the mighty ubb!'
Xenforo will always be the best

Just need 3 things to be even better xenforo:

1) to be released soon as the resource manager

2) the team to work on an addon for photo gallery, chat, blog, content, advertising!

3) and last but not least, the forum community to participate more
I have to say that I really like XenForo. But, part of me thinks that vBulletin will respond by releasing a really good upgraded version, which will have a CMS and all other bridges and perhaps coupled with a sale will blow XenForo out of the water. Ultimately, I would put it to you that people do not want to take risks, and stick to brand names that they know.

I appreciate that Kier is a bit of a brand name himself and that there are a lot of keen people on this forum. But surely, we are just a very small number of potential customers who will not alone be enough to make the product swim?

I guess time has shown that:
  • Xenforo 1.2 is better than vBulletin 5.
  • vBulletin 5 is poorly coded, and nobody wants/likes the design.
  • Xenforo lives on, while vBulletin is the one looking desperate.
I think that on the internet, "product" and "trend" tend to run hand in hand. A few trends I have seen come and go on the internet:
  • MySpace out, Facebook in.
  • IE out, Netscape in.
  • Netscape out, IE in.
  • IE out, Firefox in.
  • ezBoard out, IPB in. (Back when they had a free version.)
  • Animations out, Flash in. (And there was quite a steep learning curve for that one, not to mention the cost of the software.)
  • Yahoo out, Google in.
  • AOL out, regular ISPs in.
  • AIM out, Twitter in.
vBulletin out,XenForo in.
Facebook Out, Forums In.

One can dream...
part of me thinks that vBulletin will respond by releasing a really good upgraded version

How much will the upgrade cost me this time? Will they actually code it, or palm it off to the worlds cheapest developer nations. I stopped being a cow vbulletin can milk a long time ago. It was this or IPB, vb is a bloated carcass.
Considering the thread starter hasn't been around in a few years, I doubt you'll be receiving an answer. And since XenForo is doing fine and is progressing forward, I don't think we need another thread that can easily deteriorate to bashing of our competitors.
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