XF 1.5 Xenforo Custom BB Codes


Well-known member
I was wondering what is the end result if I check "Within This BB Code: Disable line break conversion" in advanced option...
Also, I want to know the correct way to add BB code for row span, colspan etc. (I couldn't find any documentation about this new feature in XF help section)

Right now I have defined them as separate tag, is it the best way to do?

BB Code Tag: tdrowspan
HTML Replacement: <td rowspan="{option}">{text}</td>

BB Code Tag: tdcolspan
HTML Replacement: <td colspan="{option}">{text}</td>
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I was wondering what is the end result if I check "Within This BB Code: Disable line break conversion" in advanced option...
It prevents line breaks from being turned into <br /> tags. It's mostly significant if you're using a <pre> tag, for example.

Also, I want to know the correct way to add BB code for row span, colspan etc. (I couldn't find any documentation about this new feature in XF help section)

Right now I have defined them as separate tag, is it the best way to do?
Well because of the structure of tables, they don't necessarily lend themselves to "basic" custom BB codes (instead working better with custom PHP code powering it).

But a setup like that should work.
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