XenForo and problem users


Well-known member
For those who have been using XenForo in a real, live community for a while now, and have experience of the other packages (ideally vB3/4), how does it compare for dealing with problem users? By problem users I don't mean non-licence holders banging on about lack of features (bit of black humour there). I mean spammers and people who don't read the rules. Is it fairly easy to moderate the forum, deal with reported posts, ban users or restrict their posting rights and so on?

I don't think there is an "edited by" tag on posts in XenForo (correct me if I am wrong). If this is the case, have you missed having this at all? Is there an edit history - I'm slightly worried about having moderators who can edit at will with no accountability or history of what they have done.

I like to be able to promote sponsors to a new usergroup and give them a nice graphic to show this - but also trade users too - and have both tags showing if they belong to both sets. I think there's an option in vB3 to display usergroup graphics cumulatively. Is there similar in XenForo and if not, I assume it's a simple bit of code that says "if member of usergroup x show graphic y" which you can added to the postbit?
In my experience it has been invaluable to both the moderators and the users themselves to have an edit history for a post. This provides evidence for moderators and transparency for users - both very useful.

If it's not there already, I would vote to have post edit history added as an important feature soon please!
Thanks Brogan, I've bookmarked that link for later use.

I assume from your reply there is no edit history kept, so in other words staff could edit whatever posts they liked without there being any record of this?
Thanks. Like many communities, some of moderators are members who have earned their status by "being around" for a while but who I have not actually met nor do I have any formal contract with. So while I trust them to moderate and edit posts, I wouldn't want to give them the power to make changes without accountability. Sadly, experience has shown there is always someone, somewhere who will abuse such power.
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