Xenforo 2 not backward compatible?


in memoriam 1947-2022
Currently running the latest version of XF 1.5.x. We have been waiting for some add-ons to catch up top version 2 before upgrading.

I read a comment on TAZ recently stating that XF 2 was not backwards compatible with XF 1.5.

I'm not sure what this means. To what extent is XF 2 not backwards compatible and what does that mean for the upgrade?

Related question: How difficult is the upgrade from XF1.5 to XF2?
The upgrade is easy, just like any other upgrade you have done before. There’s just more steps so it will take a little longer.

Afterwards there’s a few rebuilds that happen but for small to medium sized boards it shouldn’t take too long.

The upgrade here took about 20 minutes.

Backwards incompatible stuff is all add ons and style related stuff.
All right. Then it's no different from any other major upgrade, like going from vBulletin 3 to 4, or 4 to 5.

Thank you both for the clarification. Once a few more add-ons are updated for XF2 we fully intend to upgrade. The style isn't an issue because that's already done (PixelExit).
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