XF 2.2 XenForo 2.2.8 Upgrade has left site in upgrade mode


Well-known member
  1. Uploaded upgrade .zip to my server
  2. Unzipped files
  3. Copied (recursive) all upload/* files to site root
  4. Ran "php cmd.php xf:upgrade" and upgrade completed successfully
  5. Access public site URL or admin.php, and get "The site is currently being upgraded. Please check back later."
  6. Access /install/index.php?upgrade/ and get "An upgrade was found for a version of XenForo that is newer than the uploaded files. Please reupload all of the files for the new version and reload this page."
Have tried, again, re-uploading .zip, unzipping on server, and copying files to site root. No change or fix.

Try CLI upgrade again ....
# php cmd.php xf:upgrade
Current version: 2020870
Upgrade target: 2020870 (2.2.8)
You are already running the latest version. Rebuild the master data? [y/n]

I upgraded from 2.2.7 P1
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