XF 2.0 Xenforo 2.0 installation issues



So i've done all the steps correctly. Uploaded all the files via f2p to my root public_index.html folder. Set the permissions of the two folders to 0777. Created a database and user. But whenever I go to install I either get a "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1279410544 bytes) in /home/somaliw1/public_html/src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php on line 84 " or a 503 service is unavailable - the server is temporarily busy, please try again..

I also went into my php settings and increasted the memory size to the max (and every option i tried once) yet that still wouldn't fix the issue. Was wondering if one of you guys could please help me out. My hosting company isnt being too much of a help right now. Thank you!
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