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[XenFarjad] Donations

It might take a while. I can't really test OneBip because I'm in the US and they said it's not available in the US at this time. Google Checkout is being a pain. I might be able to finish Moneybookers fairly soon. Plus, school's starting so I'll be getting busy with that.

I might just not include OneBip/Google CO and release it with Moneybookers and the other extended things to 1.0 (i.e. transaction details, manually adding donors, etc).

Sounds good, I'm mainly looking forward to the manual donors, congrats on the mod and keep up the good work.
If you need help testing onebip just leave a note. Would be great if you include it
The one in Paypal is so that every single transaction gets posted
But would be a nice feature ;)
Paypal API access and read the "manual" donations also to the Goal.

Some pages have own "Donate Links" which won't be counted to the Goal
If you need help testing onebip just leave a note. Would be great if you include it

But would be a nice feature ;)

You -can- do it. But, I don't think the script can currently handle anything without custom = "donation:uid:goalid"

Paypal API access and read the "manual" donations also to the Goal.

Some pages have own "Donate Links" which won't be counted to the Goal

In manual donations, if a goal is set, it will add to goal. Buttons can be created without goals being set, this allows for no goal count.
You -can- do it. But, I don't think the script can currently handle anything without custom = "donation:uid:goalid"

Well, i am not a coder but if you tell me what you need i can try to help
I need someone to:

open : XenFarjad/Donations/ControllerPublic/Index.php

public function actionNotify() {
add under:
file_put_contents(XenForo_Application::getInstance()->getRootDir()."/notify.txt", serialize($_POST));

make a donation -> paste me contents of notify.txt in your forum root dir.
Yes, I believe paypal isn't posting something that might be set as a required field. I will have it fixed once abnvet gives me the details.

Im not sure what you are looking for, however if you want to link up in a messenger I can have you take a look at my stuff to help troubleshoot this
Am I missing it or possibly a suggestion. but is there a way I don't choose a dollar amount? I want the user to pick what he/she wants to donate and still show on the donor list.
Is it possible to get the addon also as a xenPorta Module? If i add it also to the xenPorta page (in the Framework Settings) it´s always at the very end of the sidebar. Thanks a lot
Oh damn i forgot something, will do it 2morrow, need to register an account to Sandbox.... btw you dont need someone to donate, use paypal´s sandbox Option
a:30:{s:19:"transaction_subject";s:12:"donation:1:2";s:8:"txn_type";s:10:"web_accept";s:12:"payment_date";s:25:"16:58:05 Aug 03, 2011 PDT";s:9:"last_name";s:4:"User";s:17:"residence_country";s:2:"US";s:14:"pending_reason";s:10:"unilateral";s:9:"item_name";s:31:"Donate to keep this place going";s:13:"payment_gross";s:5:"20.00";s:11:"mc_currency";s:3:"USD";s:12:"payment_type";s:7:"instant";s:22:"protection_eligibility";s:10:"Ineligible";s:11:"verify_sign";s:56:"AmLZHY97qGVW2mlq7z0ssL7pptHeAfQXNj8HGcbzkQlSXOVb7RTyE5oD";s:12:"payer_status";s:8:"verified";s:8:"test_ipn";s:1:"1";s:3:"tax";s:4:"0.00";s:11:"payer_email";s:30:"brian_1312415717_per@roces.org";s:6:"txn_id";s:17:"6MR86781C46082518";s:8:"quantity";s:1:"1";s:14:"receiver_email";s:22:"tfpdonations@gmail.com";s:10:"first_name";s:4:"Test";s:8:"payer_id";s:13:"NYZYJFDSYXFK2";s:11:"item_number";s:0:"";s:15:"handling_amount";s:4:"0.00";s:14:"payment_status";s:7:"Pending";s:8:"shipping";s:4:"0.00";s:8:"mc_gross";s:5:"20.00";s:6:"custom";s:12:"donation:1:2";s:7:"charset";s:12:"windows-1252";s:14:"notify_version";s:3:"3.2";s:12:"ipn_track_id";s:22:"ctHrJpJvlnRIHK1Eb9wCnQ";}

That's what I got in the file via the sandbox.

It didn't move the donation bar or verify anything.
Ok, I might have it fixed. Can you try this:

Open: /library/XenFarjad/Donations/DataWriter/Paypal.php and change: all the mentions of:
'required' => true

'required' => false

and try it again. I believe paypal isn't posting some of the required stuff that it was posting for me.
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