[XenCrea] Header & Background Evolved [Paid] [Deleted]

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Information : TMS is not required for xenforo 1.3.x, if you have installed TMS for this addon (old version - 1.1.x or 1.2.x), you can download the last version of Header & Background Evolved and remove the TMS dependency.
Does the header also work with responsive?

Yes :)

And if you want resize the background with the screen, you can add this properties (it's optional and compatible with css3 web browser) :

  -webkit-background-size: cover; /* Chrome & Safari */
  -moz-background-size: cover; /* Firefox */
  -o-background-size: cover; /* Opera */
  background-size: cover; /* Other */
Hello, you can download the last version on xencrea.com.
Site is online now.

I'm trying to buy this add, but I'm seeing an error message on your site:

XenCrea - Styles for Xenforo - Error
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
Resgistration was ok, and I can log in without any problems.

After this, I can't see anything in the site, just the error message.

Thanks for problem report.

Mysqli prepare error: Table './c5xencrea/xf_user_group_relation' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

I have fixed a database table corruption, solution :
REPAIR TABLE xf_user_group_relation

You can try again, it's good now I think ;)
Wath is your username on xencrea please ?
When I test permission with an other user, or create a new account, all is ok for me.
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