[XD] Featured Threads Slider

[XD] Featured Threads Slider 1.0.4

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Ok what have i missed, am i the only one with 2 of the same threads appearing in featured threads? Default style, latest XF2. 3 of the same threads appear first, then 1 thread decides to disappear which leaves 2 of the same thread.

Hi, @EvilSS
If you just featured one thread it is normal could you please read to options notes or try to with four featured thread.
@Ovunc Dinc i can't upload any image


the size are correct of the image i try jpg and png and nothing what can i do?
Sweet addon.

Purely suggestions.

It would be nice if the quantity of featured threads is an option, and the slide delay, instead of having to change the php files. :)

Very nice addon overall.
Hello Ovunc Dinc, great product!!

When I select 'Hide Featured Thread Excerpts', I was hoping to allocate all 'Slider Content Characters Limit' to the title but this is truncated and does not slide up as it does when the excerpts were not hidden.

Is it possible for us to allocate all the character limit to the title of the thread when we have the excerpts hidden?

Thanks again.
How do you un-feature a thread, if you change your mind and and want to spotlight a different thread, instead?
Just edit, and delete. Super-easy. My only "issue" with this add-on is that once the threads at the end of the queue are bumped by newer threads, there's no search or way to find all the past featured threads. I'd like a widget or something so I could set up a separate page that shows a history of all Featured threads (I call them "must reads"). Apparently this is coming in the next release, though we haven't heard from the developer in a couple months. @Ovunc Dinc, do you have an ETA for this feature? Once that's there, I think it's a full product!
does this require any other add on or is standalone add on
Standalone and super-easy.
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