XCache or APC?

APC 3.1.14 on PHP 5.4.11 - had segfaults with apc.stat=0 and apc.lazy_* segfaulted too, so had to disable those; but otherwise working well and serving 450+ requests per second with very little fragmentation (tends to happen in the latter part of the 24 refresh cycle). (y)

I had considered Xcache but as APC is still being actively developed I just decided to stick with what I know. ;)
Hi all,

Which php handler did you use with Xcache?

It seems compatible only with Dso or Fcgi. Which is better between them?

My Hosting say also that with Dso, could have some risk for security.
I run DSO with mod_ruid2 on my Cpanel VPS so I can use APC/Xcache
well APC folks have removed 3.1.14 from download so I guess for some folks the bugs warranted APC folks taking another look
3.1.14 had a critical memory leak. And the stability and security came into question so we pulled it from our servers.

A roll back of 3.1.13 is still download able and I would suggest people revert back to that until the next release.
And what about eAccelerator? If you have a cPanel server, it's an easy install (Xcache comes unconfigured). The latest branch is supposedly compatible with PHP 5.4.x, and it's pretty reliable. I think the performance differences among the various caching scripts are relatively minor in the scheme of things.
I'm quite happy with Xcache too. And the set up is a breeze ( edit config file and forget about it ).
Had problems with APC initially when we first installed it, but we'd upgraded to a later version and it has worked without incident for 4+ years now. No desire to change or try another since this just works.

The benefit? It cut our server load numbers in half! Any opcode cache is worth installing IMHO. Use whichever one works right for your server.
Currently running APC 3.1.13 smoothly on a VPS. Had issues with Xcache not wanting to work correctly.
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