[XB] Adult Content Filter

[XB] Adult Content Filter [Paid] 2.2.1 Patch Level 1

No permission to buy ($25.00)


Well-known member
Pardon my ignorance, does this work automatically? ie if somebody posts a saucy pic, it is blurred out until the user admits they are a pervert?

Sorry that last bit was facetious, but the basic question is serious.
Yes, this is a possible solution, but not a complete one. Here is my addon from vbulletin 3.x as i remember right:

usergroup can be adult 0/1
forum can be protected 0/1/2 = no, yes, always
thread can be protected 0/1/2 = no, yes, always
post can be protected ...

and custom protect by bbcode as you have done it.

an alternative is to protect the post instead of the picture.

Also it would be nice to read something how you protect the image, please.
Is it a complete new image?
If not, can people get the real image by watching the source-code?
Ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Adult Content Filter with a new update entry:

[OzzModz] Adult Content Filter 2.2+ Update 2.1.0

Huge update: Automatic nudity detection
  • Add-on was completely rewritten
  • Added integration with Sightengine or DeepAI API for automatic nudity detection on uploaded files
  • Currently supported uploads: Attachment (post, conversation, profile post), avatars and profile banners
  • Added automatic blurring function for new attachments embedded that...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Whow, amazing update! Thanks @Ozzy47! Just a quick question: Is it possible to send a post with a detected nudity score over X to the moderation queue?
Also it would be nice to read something how you protect the image, please.
Is it a complete new image?
If not, can people get the real image by watching the source-code?
Unfortunately it not intended to hide completely. This add-on just wraps the content from this bb-code in template with CSS blurring rules.

Just a quick question: Is it possible to send a post with a detected nudity score over X to the moderation queue?
This is possible, but not for all content types (avatars and profile banners cannot be added to approval queue). Added in todo-list.
@phucvandinh currently no, this add-on was only designed to check the content that uploaded to your forum.
Perhaps something can be done with XF's built-in image proxying. I will look at this in the near future.
Hi Ozzy, great add-on but I have a problem. The installation stopped quickly and the message below appeared.

FireShot Capture.png

I have the version below XenForo 2.2.7 Patch 1 and Standard Library is well installed in my add-ons. Do you have any idea of the problem please? Thank you in advance!
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