Would you or do you manage multiple communities?


Well-known member
Managing multiple communities is not something that is for everyone. Whilst some people can manage many different communities, others may find it easier only to manage and focus on just one community.

As a community owner yourself, can you manage multiple communities or do you stick to just the one?
One is quite enough for me under current circumstances. If it was my actual job, sure I could, but I am a volunteer working in my off hours and have other activities besides forum management.
I should add, I did offer to take on a second one at one point. The site where I post a lot of my writing was facing shutdown for assorted reasons, so I offered to take it over and put it on to Xenforo and AMS. In the end, though, the owner kept it and put it on to their new software. In retrospect, I am glad it worked out that way.
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