Working with custom fields


Hopefully this is the correct place for this.

I am trying to work with custom fields.

Lets say a create a new custom field (Field ID = car) that I call (Title = Type of Car). I use radio buttons with the following two options "value = toyota, text = Toyota" and "value = gm, text = General Motors".

I can grab the Title with: {xen:helper userFieldTitle, car}.

Then I can grab the the value for the current user with: {$}

How can I go about grabbing the Field ID and Text associated with the value?


Ok, I got it. Lots of searching plus some trial and error.

You can use this:

{xen:helper userFieldValue, $userFieldsInfo.my_identifier, $user, {$user.customFields.my_identifier}}


Is there any way to get this to work on the member list? The way its outlined above is not working.

Thanks again,

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