XF 1.4 Wordwrap of adsense texts/ads


Active member
Hello folks,

1. I have searched here and I believe the answers are somewhere in here but could not locate them?

I am looking for some advice on how to get text/quotes/pics to word wrap to the size of ad units placed on the locations below, or align properly with displaying a google adsense.

1. Ad_sidebar_below_ visitor_ panel (used 330x250 codes)


2. Ad_member_view_sidebar_bottom (330x250)


3. Ad_above_top_breadcrumb ( 728x90 )(works fine on desktop, but not in responsive view on my phone)

N/B Also, the texts are not wrapped probably in responsive look

2. Which template should I use to insert my code that would display ad after first message (outside first message) in the way it looks in DP site
I think what he meant was that you can't shrink the ads; you need to give the ads enough space to display or you need to choose a smaller ad unit.
I think what he meant was that you can't shrink the ads; you need to give the ads enough space to display or you need to choose a smaller ad unit.
Thanks man for explaining this in further details. I have the ads showing well now on my forum for the ads size units, but they're not responsive when browsing my site on my phone. I have activated the responsive design and pixels set as provided by @Brogan on his signature. I must be honest i am not good with php. Do i have to add any conditional statement for this to be responsive. If yes - where can i add that? Do i need to use the Google responsive adsense unit instead? . Excuse any typo error here please i am using a phone. Thanks
Edit; i am using standard adsense unit 729 x 90 on the top and below head breadcrumb. They are showing great on the desktop but not responsive
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